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Umbelliferae (Previous Family name, now Folkname) Subfamilies (As of 2012) Mackinlayoideae (Plunkett & Lowry) Azorelloideae (Plunkett & Lowry) Saniculoideae (Burnett) Apioideae (Seemann) * * * GENERAL BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION * * * TYPE : annual, biennial, perennial herbs or woody shrubs. WORLDWIDE NO. : 1,400 species in 180 Genera. BRITISH NO. : 60 species in 43 Genera. AROMA : often pungent or aromatic. ROOTS : either tap root or fusiform, branched. STEMS : stout. Furrowed, pith wide and soft or internodes hollow. UMBELS : usually compound, sometimes simple, rarely capitate or very reduced and cyamose. Solitary flowers surrounded by a whorl of bracts, supported on numerous rays arising from the same point. Some uni-rayed, some sessile. Umbels terminal, the oldest having largest number of rays, with long peduncle. Later umbels are lateral. Peduncle sometimes absent.LEAVES : much divided leaves, x 2-3, entire in Bupleurum. Scattered, alternate, usually exstipulate, segments may be entire, toothed, or pinnatifid. Petiole sheathing at the base. Venation pinnate, in Bupleurum some parallel. CCOTYLEDONS : tapering at the base or contracted into a petiole. Seedlings of perennial & biennial develop rosette of leaves, earliest less divided than upper. BRACTS : bracts and bracteoles usually present, whorled. Bracts appear at point where rays arise from peduncle. FLOWERS : small, white or yellow sometimes pink, rarely blue. Hermaphrodite or unisexual, with nectar. Often strongly protandrous. 7-12 flowers on one ray. Calyx teeth small, sometimes unequal and 0. 5 sepals. 5 petals, valvate or slightly. imbrecate, hairy or papillose beneath, often notched with an inflexed or incurved point. Oil canal along middle of petal. Outer petals at periphary of umbel are larger and radiate, otherwise they are actinomorphic. Ovary inferior, 2 chambered, ovules pendant, solitary in each cell, pericarp has 5 vascular bundles in each carpel. Ovary has nectar secreting disc at its summit, from which two styles arise. 2 erect or curving styles, often with an enlarged base : stylopodium. 5 stamen, alternating with the petals, inflexed in bud. Filaments may be < or > than petals. Anthers > than wide, attached to filaments at middle of the back. Stigma is unthickened / globose knob or capitate. FRUIT : dry, 2 united, 1 seeded capsules : indehiscent, joined by a narrow or broad conirnisure. Carpels adnate to or suspended from a slender simple or divided axis : bifid carpophore, which lies between two vittae. Carpels 1 at back of flower 1 at front, crowned by a fleshy disk, semi circular in cross section or compressed either dorsally, at right angles to commisure or laterally compressed. Carpels sometimes have distinct beak, a continuation of the carpel. When ripe it splits into two parts, which hang from central stalk, each known as a mericarp. Surface sometimes hairy, with papillae / straight or hooked spines or bristles, arising from ridges. Surface is ridged and ducted, most prominently 5 or 9 ribbed and generally with 4 resinous canals : vittae, between the primary ridges, (rarely in them) and 2 on the commisure face, holding aromatic or poisonous oils. ** CLASSIFICATIONAL ORDER OF THE UMBELLEIFERAE GENERA ** 1. Hydrocotyle (L) 2. Sanicula (L) 3. Astrantia (L) 4. Eryngium (L) 5. Chaerophyllum (L) 6. Anthriscus (L)Hoffm 7. Scandix (L) 8. Myrrhis (Miller) 9. Coriandrum (L) 10. Smyrnium (L) 11. Bunium (L) 12. Conopodium (Koch) 13. Pimpinella (L) 14. Aegopodium (L) 15. Sium (L) 16. Berula (Koch) 17. Crithmum (L) 18. Seseli (L) 19. Oenanthe (L) 20. Aethusa (L) 21. Foeniculum (Miller) 22. Silaum (Miller) 23. Meum (Miller) 24. Physospermum (Luss) 25. Conium (L) 26. Bupleurum (L) 27. Trinia (Hoffm) 28. Apium (L) 29. Petroselinum (Hill) 30. Sison (L) 31. Cicuta (L) 32. Ammi (L) 33. Falcaria (Bernh) 34. Carum (L) 35. Selinum (L) 36. Ligusticum (L) 37. Angelica (L) 38. Peucadanum (L) 39. Pastinaca (L) 40. Heracleum (L) 41. Tordylium (L) 42. Torilis (L) 43. Daucus (L) | ||||||||||
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Online Guide To Umbelliferae Of British Isles' Compiled By J.M.Burton 2002 |