Is best implemented by a mixture of all the techniques below. Spraying as a last resort, or in invasive situations. The only significant way to reduce weeds in the landscape is to employ good horticultural practices, caring for the soil and plants on a rigourous and regularly implemented rota.

1.0 Cultural:

1.1 By hand pulling, with small fork or trowel

1.2 With large fork or spade

1.3 Hoeing, scraping

1.4 With plough or rotivator

1.5 Strimming, cutting

1.6 Burning

2.0 Prevention:

2.1 Mulching

2.1.1 Bark, coca shells

2.1.2 Plastic sheet, carpet

2.1.3 Gravel Paving

2.2 Work the soil regularly to expose seeds

2.3 Lime soil to raise pH

2.4 Plant competitive shrubs

2.5 Plant ground cover

2.6 Fertilise often

2.7 Aerate

2.8 Irrigate well

Information Collated by James M. Burton as part of H.N.D. Course at Pencoed Agricultural College.
Chemical Information Correct as of 06:06:97. Always read and follow the instruction when using herbicides.