achene : a small dry indehiscent single seeded
amplexicaul : clasping the stem, annular : ring shaped.
arachnoid : appearing as if covered in cobwebs.
arcuate : curved so as to form about 1/4 of acircle or more.
auricled : small ear like projections at base of
bipinnate : a leaf in which the primary divisions
are themselves pinnate.
bracts : leaf like/scale structures.
caespitose : tufted.
calyx : the sepals as a whole.
campanulate : bell shaped.
capitula : heads of sessile flowers, surrounded
by an involcure of bracts.
corolla : the petals as a whole.
cuneate : see Leaf Morphology Diag.
divaricate : diverging at a wide angle.
ellipsoid : of a solid object, elliptic in
longditudinal section.
epigunous : of the whole flower or the perianth
& stamens of a flower with an inferior ovary.
filiform : thread like.
glabrous : without hairs.
gynoecium : female parts of a flower.
indehiscent : not opening to release seeds.
infloresence : flowering branch, includes branch,
flowers, bracts.
involucre : bracts forming a >or< calyx like
structure round or just below the base of a
usually condensed inflorescence.
linear : See Leaf Morphology Diag.
lanceolate: See Leaf Morphology Diag.
mucronulate : having a small sharp point.
palmate : consiting of more than 3 leaflets arising from the same point, panicle : strictly a branched racemose
papillose : small elongated projections.
pappus : downy or feathery appendage on achenes.
perennial : living for more than 2 years, flowering each year.
perigynous zone : the annular region between the insertion of the gynoecium and of the other
floral parts in perigynous or epigynous flowers.
phyllaries : each of the small leaves or bracts
constituting the involucre of a Compositae flr.
pinnate : a leaf composed of more than 3 leaflets
arranged in two rows along a common stalk.
pinnatifid : pinnately cut but not into separate
portions, the lobes connected by lamina, as
well as midrib or stalk.
pubescent : short, stiff hairs, punctate : dotted or shallowly pitted, often
with glands
racemose : of an inforescence, usually conical in outline, whose growing points commonly continue to add to the infl. & in which there is no terminal flower. Youngest & smallest branches or flowers are nearest the apex.
receptacle : that flat concave or convex upper part of the stem from which the parts of the flower arise often used to include the perigynous zone.
rhizome : a prostrate or subterranean root like stem emiting roots, & leaves at its apex.
scarious : thin, not green, stiff & dry.
sessile : without a stalk.
stamens : one of the male reproductive organs of a plant, stigma : receptive surface of the gynoecium,
to which pollen grains adhere,
subpalmate : not quite palmate.
tomentose : a dense covering of short cottony
tripinnate : a leaf in which the divided primary
divisions are themselves divided.