Plant Dermatitis

Acknowledgements & Bibliography

1.0 The Intergumenary System     
       1.1 Structure                            
             1.1 1  Stranum corneum
             1.1.2 Stranum spinosum
             1.1.3 Stranum lucidium.
             1.1.4 Stranum garnulosum
        1.2 Dermis                      
        1.3 Epidermal derivatives      
              1.3.1 Glands
              1.3.2 Sweat Glands
              1.3.3 Eccrine sweat glands
        1.4 Functions Of The Skin        
              1.4.1 Homeostasis Of Body Functions
              1.4.2 The Skin And Immunity
              1.4.3 Reception Of Stimuli
              1.4.4 Synthesis of Vitamin D
        1.5 Ageing of the skin       

2.0  Dermatitis       

       2.1 Catagorising Severity     
              2.1.1 Acute
              2.1.2 Subacute.
              2.1.3 Chronic
              2.1.4 Systemic Anaphylactic Shock
        2.2 Irritant Contact Dermatitis    
              2.2.1 Hand Dermatitis
        2.3 Acute Allergic/Sensitised Dermatitis.    
              2.3.1 Phytophotic dermatitis
              2.3.2 Pollen dermatitis.

3.0 How Dermatitis Is Caused    
      3.1 Contact Dermatitis
      3.2 Sensitisation

4.0 History Of Dermatitis     

5.0 Physical and Chemical Causes Of Dermatitis    

       5.1 Typical Chemical Groups Causing Dermatitis   
              5.1.1 Essential & Volatile Oils
              5.1.2 Phenols, aromatic alchohols, and aldehydes
              5.1.3 Terpenes
              5.1.4 Aliphatic and aromatic esters.
              5.1.5 Substitute benzene hydrocarbons
        5.2  Primary Chemical Irritants Of Plants     
        5.3  Plant Dermatitis Caused By Mechanical Means.    

6.0 Who In The Industry Is Affected  
        6.1  Nurseries and Greenhouses      
        6.2  Florists         
        6.3  Bulb Industry        
        6.4  Timber & Woodlands Industry      
        6.5  Horticultural Field Workers     
        6.6  Groundsmen        
        6.7  Professional Horticulturists       

7.0 Who Is At Risk In The Industry And Why Are They At Risk?

8.0 Number Of People Who Suffer From Plant Contact Dermatitis
      The Cost To The British Industry

       8.1 Why The Numbers Of Cases Are Increasing    

9.0 Awareness Of The Affliction [Questionare]

        9.0.1 Results        

        9.1 Discussion Of Questionare Results.     
             9.1.1 Workers
             9.1.2 Dermatologists
        9.2 Let Us Now Investigate      

10.0 Diagnosis       
        10.1 Patch Test
                10.1.1 Patch Testing With Woods.
                10.1.2 Testing with oleorasins
                10.1.3 Testing With Specific Plants:.

11.0 Current Treatment Of Plant Dermatitis  
        11.1 Topical Steroids

12.0 Problems Associated With This Treatment.

13.0 Prevention Measures Recomended By Statutory Bodies& Employers
14.0 The Problems With Preventative Recomendations
        14. 1 Problems With Protective clothing

15.  The Law and Skin Disease - Current    

         15.1 The Health and Safety At Work Act 1974 
         15.2 Workplace Regulations 1992
         15.3 COSHH Regulations
         15.4 The Offices and Railway Premises Act ‘63 and the Factories Act‘61
         15. 5 Pre Employment Health Screening

16.0 Problems Associated With The Law

17.0 Reporting The Disease-Current Methods

        17.1 Industrial Diseases Notification Act 1981 HS
        17.2 RIDOR Reporting Injuries Diseases Occurances Regulations
        17.3 EMA's  Employment Medical Advisers

18.0 Problems Associated With Reporting Dermatitis

19.0 Current Workers Compensation
        19.1 Private Insurance Cover
        19.2 The Social Security Department Payments

20.0 Problems Associated With Current Compensation

21.0 Current Education Methods       
22.0 The Problems With Education

23.0 Why Plant Dermatitis From Plants Must Be Eliminated

24.0 Changes Advocated      
        24.1     Changes Advocated To Law & Compenstation    
        24.2     Changes Advocated For Employer Insurance    
        24.3     Changes Advocated To Surveillance Programmes   
        24.4     Changes Advocated For COSSH    
        24.5     Changes In Protection      
        24.6     Changes Advocated To Cleansing Methods    
        24.7     Changes In Work Practices     
        24.8     Changes Advocated For Pre Employment Screening   
        24.9     Changes Advocated For Education     
        24.10   Changes Advocated For Doctor Registration    
        24.11   Changes Advocated To Treatment     
        24.12   After Care: TreatmentOf Skin     
.       24.13   Changes Advocated In Personal Care     

25.0 Appendixes        
Appendix One    :   Plants Causing Dermatitis    
Appendix Two    :  Bibliography & References
Appendix Three :   Organisations Contacted
Appendix Four    :  Glossary Of Medical Terms
Appendix Five     :  Survey Samples
Appendix Six      :  Pictures Of Severe Plant Dermatitis.
Appendix Seven :   Dermatitis Leaflet For Distribution To Public

List Of Tables, Figures, Diagrams, Charts Etc.
FIGURE         1.0.1   Diagram crossection of the epidermis and dermis                 
FIGURE         2.0.1   Table:Difference between allergic and sensitised dermatitis                   
FIGURE            3.3   Diagram: How sensitisation and inflammation occurs.            
TABLE           5.2.1   Table 1: Plants & compounds commonly causing dermatitis     
FIGURE         5.2.2   Diagrams: Irritant compound structures (as ref in TABLE 5.2.1)
FIGURE         5.2.3   Diagrams: Plant trichomes with irritant comp.(TABLE 5.2.1)
FIGURE         5.3.1   Protective trichomes on plants  causing inflammation           
FIGURE           7.1   Graph: Relation between susceptibility to dermatitis & age     
FIGURE         8.0.1   Graph:  claims for compensation from DSS for dermatitis       
TABLE           9.0.1   Graphs: Results Of Questionares                                             
FIGURE          10.2   List: of compounds used in patch testing            
53 FIGURE   24.3.1   Diagram: labelling advocated for plants sold to public           
FIGURE        24.5.1   Diagram:  changes advocated for employee protection          

                 Usefull Links for Botanical Dermatology