The Manor of Gelliwig, Llanvetherine, Monmouthshire
By James M Burton, 2014

The Manor of Gelliwig came to my attention through the investigation as to the origins of an Anna Maria, mistress of Palleg Manor in Ystradgynlais 1699-1729, whos 2nd marriage was to James Hughes of Gelli. Due to my experience of investigating Palleg it was much quicker to discover a lot of information relating to this small rural parish, and so thought it would be useful to collate & impart that to the world. I have based the story of the Manor by interpreting the data left to us from old MSS and may contain small errors, misguided assumptions and conjecture. Researched, collated, edited by James Burton, Aberdare, May 2014. Contributions & errors can be emailed to Updated 20th Dec 2016.
Approximately 500m SW of Llanvetherine, on N side of minor road that runs between Crossways and Newhouse Farm. Borough of Abergavenny, Monmouth, S/Wales.
Also known as Gelli, Geli, Getli, Gethle, Gellthe wege, Gelliwig, Gelli-wig.
Early origins
On this site has stood a manor house from the very ancient times, (Llanvetherin map, 14thC) remains of an older house near the pond can be clearly seen, no doubt fortified. It is very near to the church, it being the first house to be recorded in association with it from early Norman period, and so likely to have a close affinity to it, indeed many of the occupants were rectors, so possibly a tithe farm for it. Rumours of a tunnel connecting the two are unsubstantiated. The original saint of the church was Saint Gwytherin who has early Celtic origins, later complemented by the Normans with Saint James the Elder. It is of 14th century build with many 17th C tombs, including one supposed to be for St Gwytherin herself, dug up from the chancel with the inscription "Vetterinus" and later addition "Jacobus" - James. Outside the church stands a very ancient and worn stone stair plinth which originally had a cross on top, making it a precursor of the current church, from a time when people worshipped in the open.
The first mention of Llanvetherine comes from the Black Book of Llandaff.
"Cors & Morwydd granted the church of Gueithirin (Llanvetherine)... with its woods and claims... to the Bishops of Llandaff. Boundary...from the influx of Pwll Y Fan into the Trothy up to its source...over the ridge to the Cynllwyn along it to boundary of Tref Pedr to Carnlitan Hill, down to Rhyd yr Ewig Adgweddawg from the ford accross the ridge to the right of Colwyn spring, along it to the grove to the knoll to the Trothy to the ford." (Abridged) Bishop Nudd c.880 A.D., Llyfr St Teilo c.1129.
However the old manuscripts they were copied from were forged or altered to suit the claims of Llandaff cathedral, but it still does confirm the existence of the parish from this date of 1129. The only landmark I can identify from this is the river Trothy. Bradney suggests Carnlitan on the hill may refer to Carn Llydan on Arwellt, Skirrid Fawr. Pwllyfan is the brook from Llangattock Lingoed at Cymmerau and that Colwyn is below Pant y Colyn ford - Pont Gilbert.
As we can see it described the surroundings as wooded. This ties in with the toponomy of the farm Gelliwig. The first part gelli refers to a grove. The suffix wig without further example appears to be a soft mutation in the presence of the first word, of gwig - wood, thus grove in the woods or woodland grove. An immense woodland stretched throughout this area that was gradually clear felled from the Bronze Age, even more so by the Normans for their castle and ship building. The name is common through Wales, but of note for interest sake, one of the old courts of 'King Arthur' is told as being a Gelliwig, supposedly placed in Cornwall.
Lordship of Abgergavenny
Gelli was a manor within the demesne of Llanvetherine under the Lordship of Abergavenny, part of the Marcher Lordships governed by the Earl of Hereford for the Crown. Despite claims to being appurtenant to White Castle, it was not, the farm right belonged to the Lordship of Abergavenny thus the castle there. The Manor was held in 1/4 of a Knight's Fee meaning that they had to train men at arms in the district, to be provided for 40 days in the year to fight for their lord at the castle or in any war and provide provisions and administration for the castle. It being on the borders of Wales and Glamorgan, I'm sure they saw their fair share of action, but this was mostly on the rebellion of Llewelyn ap Gruffudd c.1260 and Owain Glyndwr c.1400, but most advances were halted at Abergavenny. Initially created for Hamelin Ballon, the Lordship passed to William Braose, King John then Reginald de Braose and came to the Crown by the death of the 1st Earl of Pembroke John de Haystynges around 1325. The barony was created in 1392 for Sir William de Beauchamp, whence by 1450 it had come into the Neville family, and persisted so to the present day, although in a much reduced ceremonial role.
Llanvetherine was no doubt initially a feudal demesne formed from the old system of commotes, but up to what date I would not like to say, without having yet consulted the manor rolls. There were lapses in 1350 after the plague, laws eroded in 1540s
(Abergavenny Baron court curtailed in 1536) and was abolished in most places in the 1660 restoration. In Hugh ap Howell's will of 1544 it certainly appears, from Bradneys and my transcription, that he owned Gelli and passed it to his wife and son, so possibly was in freehold and no longer held in a knights fee from this time. There are hints at a 'lower Gelli' and 'upper Gelli' farms in later leases which may have been parts of the same mansion rented to the farmer tenants, while the resident squire in the main house tended to gentlemanly matters. Jurisdiction came form the nearby Llanvetherine or Llanddewi Courts where estate matters, petty crime and land disputes were settled. Wales was in the early times suffered of an apartheid between Welsh and English, northern Monmouth governed and reserved under Welsh law until 1540.
The Farm
The earliest detailed map shows an extensive orchard, (Llanvetherin map, 1814) one presumes this to be apples or pears, as an ancient cider press was used here and common practice in the district. From the pond we can assume that fish and fowl, along with grains and sheep were cultured for Lord Abergavenny, tithes of the church and the large retinue of workers on the estates. Deer parks, fisheries, charcoal makers are evident in other parts of the district.
Social History
The area was by evidence of toponymy & genealogy largely Welsh, the presence of whom slowly eroded by the raids of Romans, Anglo Saxons and Normans. Coupled with laws prohibiting the language, the ownership of land and preclusion on high status in society, kept them down on the farm, although the noble born families of the larger houses were considered 'freemen'. Many of the large houses in the 1700's have evidence of families who claim and can be traced back to ancient Welsh origins, Powell, Hywel, Watkins, Hughes etc. All these local farmers are interrelated in some way, due to the way in which patronymic name changes could give rise to family branches of the aforementioned surnames in two generations, Hughes tracing back to a common ancestor, Iorwerth who may have been the descendant of the Lords of Gwent living in the Llangattock Lingoed area. However, English influence was strong, with many of the toponymical names changed to English by at least 1650. In Llangattock Lingoed for example, the great houses of Old Mill, Old Court, Old Forge, Old Park, New House reflect this acclimatisation and the presence of older feudal rights with pre Norman Welsh origins. By the 1740's there was a sermon held in Welsh once a month, and most of the speakers were described as old, in 1840 there were none. Monmouth was always traditionally considered part of England because of the large scale settlement of English here. Lady Llanover of Abergavenny 1802-1896 took a keen interest in preserving and promoting the dying language and old culture in the area.
Occupants of Gelliwig
In 1349 the manor of Gelli-wig was in the tenancy of Roger de Gunter, which passed down to Lawrence Gunter before 1397. We obviously assume them to be ancestors of the Abergavenny Gunters that came in with the Normans. There was much plague in the district then, the returns from Llanvetherine describing it as ill affected and services at church were down. We presume it was held by the Gunters to around 1500, or was gifted after the plague or passed down through marriage settlement.
"Llanwytherin...There is one messuage of no value beyond the charges. Two parts of the mill are worth 10s. 20 acres of pasture are worth 3/4. There used to be of rents of assize £4.4.0 but now 52s owing to the mortality. Works of customers are worth 2s and pleas and requisites nothing. Total 70s 7d" Ing PMCE III. Files 91-92. Laurence de Hastings, Earl of Pembroke, Lord of Abergavenny. April 17, 1349
In the early 1500's it was in the tenancy of Sir Hugh ap Howel, yeoman who was also rector of the church. He seems to be the first vicar appointed by Llandaff, as the church was unbeneficed and patronised by the crown before this. As these events occur fresh after the War of The Roses, it is likely that he may have been rewarded for his loyalty to the Crown therein. Another idea might be that he was a former member of the monasteries, moved on as it were. He describes his father as being named Howel ap David ap Philip ap Iorwerth of Llangattock Lingoed, so we can stretch the family line back to at least the early 1300s in the area. He had 3 other brothers, one of who, Thomas ap Howel was also a vicar for Bryngwyn church in Raglan. Indeed many in the family pursued the devotional vocation. In his will proved 1544 he leaves his mansion called 'Gellthe wege' with all his lands to his wife Jonet and his son John ap Hywel, his daughter Elsbeth to have lands in Llanddewi Ysgyryd.
As to the identity of his forefather Iorwerth or Iorath, there are scores of references to a man of the same name in the district around 1300 being descendant of Ynyr Lord of Gwent of Castell Arnallt near Llanover. The fact that Hugh is a free 'upper class' Welshman, rector and holding a manor in a military knights fee, certainly suggests that he is most certainly descendant of the noble fighting families colonised by the Normans, for the fact that lesser men would not have been chosen for the task and they wanting to respect the ancient traditions of the natives. At Cefnddwyglwyd farm next door around 1350 was living Howel Vychan ap Howel ap Iorworth. His coat of arms described as per pale azure and sable, 3 fleur de lys or, this being the inherited arms of Lord Ynyr. His father was g.grandson of Gwaryn & uncle to 'Sisyllt' & by letters patent raised troops from Abergavenny 1326 27 Oct. I think it a perfectly reasonable idea to link these families by name, date, proximity and coat of arms considering the facts, but relies on those past genealogies being correct, if not my interpretation of the data.
The present house may have been built by his descendant James Hughes, whose will was proved in 1646 at the height of the Civil War troubles. He leaves all his lands to his daughter Margared, but everything else including standing corn was to be divided equally between her and son Thomas Hughes, overseen by Valentine Powell, vicar of the church, which no doubt led to some hot debate. The will was witnessed by John Powell (Pool Hall). Rice Prees. Thomas Pritchard. Phillip Cicill of Godirill. These men were gents of larger houses in the district.
Thomas would have lost the entire estates to sequestration if he had been given the whole of Gelli due to him having assisted the King's rebels during the civil war of 1642. He was fined £105 instead. This may be the reason Gelli was left to his sister. He escaped the worst of it and was listed as a gent in 1673 in Blome's, a high status book of the time, with evidence of land deals in the area and so may have regained Gelli after the restoration. I discovered his supposed will dated 1673, which hinges on the fact that he leaves monies for forgotten tithes to the church of Llanvetherine, and a sword, musket & armor, no doubt needed by a civil war veteran. He leaves everything to his wife Marie, and his debts of 144 pounds, to be paid from 188 pounds owed by James Hughes, but does not name him as a son, or any other children. From a Cwrtmawr deed dated 1663 James & Charles are named as his sons, so it is from this single reference we continue the legacy. But, there is also a case in 1674 (not transcribed) wherin a Mary Hughes widow and James Hughes contest a case over property in the high court. I would assume it strange for a mother and son to fight in the court, but there is the possibility.
James Hughes his (supposed) son was Sheriff of Monmouth for 1717, "designated a royal official responsible for keeping the peace throughout a shire or county on behalf of the king". The early 18thC remodelling at Gelli may be his work. His coat of arms Gu (red), Chevron (roof symbol) between 3 Rams Heads, Caboshed (front facing), Or (gold) (illustrated below) is a simple, common one, and could indicate an illustrious and ancient origin. The theme of three beasts/objects and chevron are frequently encountered in families related or associated to Hughes in the district, and should have a registered entry with his family tree at the London College. Lords of Gwent, 3 fleyr de Lys. Powell, Pool Hall, 3 ravens. Gunter, Priory, 3 dexter gauntlets. Floyer, Llantilo Pertholey, 3 arrows. James, Wernycwm, 3 lions rampant.
He married Anna Maria da. of James Brailsford, haberdasher, London in 1707, who had come into much property via her 1st husband's death, John Morgan of Wenallt, Llanddeti in 1699. She is the main reason why I come to the history of Gelli as I wished to identify her origins, she is the mistress of Palleg Manor in Ystradgynlais from around 1685-1729, quite a way from here. My conclusions in the Palleg thesis deduce that John's father, another John married in 1660 to Mary da. of Dr. Thomas Awbrey, St Davids (late Llantrythid), who passed Palleg manor down to her by marital settlement, which was again demised it to son John & Anna Maria in their subsequent dowry in 1685. I personally believe that she has something to do with the painted murals of two bald figures in Gelli, based solely of the provenance of her name, Anna Maria, although I may be creating another myth here, but certainly makes for an interesting historical detective story. (Hughes Family Tree 1300-1800)
The Bald Monks & Roman Catholic Persecution
The painted murals in Gelli discovered over the door lintel near the main fireplace in 2001 (Online Pics)
are said to be with discussion of the owner, funereal memorials associated with Roman Catholic martyrdom. The figures do seem to very solemn, woeful, even resigned to their fate. Persecution of Roman Catholics went on fervently from 1540 to 1800's, and is well recorded in the area, which may be one reason they were covered up. The mural is said to date from the 18thC. At this time living at the house was an Anna Maria Hughes (nee Brailsford). One might suppose that her name sounds Roman Catholic, it being more prominent in Spain, Germany or Italy. However I find no other evidence, she had a Christian burial in Llangattock 1729, and was born to a James Brailsford a rich haberdasher from London. She is remarkable for outliving 6 of the testators of her 1st husbands will of 1699, and her son, thereby gaining many estates, on which by her marriage to James Hughes in 1707 proceeded to pull down orchards and old houses, presumably to improve their lands. A surviving nephew Edward Williams of Llangattock Court contests this and parts of the estate are taken from her. However she arranges the marriage of her daughter Anna Maria Hughes to Edward, who dies and gets parts of her estates back, and further arranges the 2nd marriage of her daughter to John Powell of Llangattock, son of the testator in the 1699 will. So in the end she accumulated a vast amount of property, including we presume Gelli after 2nd husband James's death in 1725/7. Whether this appears to be the characteristic of a 'ruthless' Roman Catholic I cannot say, it may even indicate the opposite, a 'ruthless' Protestant capitalist! She was related by marriage to the Morgan & Powell families, top lawyers and barristers in London of the time.
There were major rounds ups in the 1700s of Catholics in Monmouth. John Arnold JP, MP of Llanvihangel Court was a fervent anti-papist, and (mis)used his position to conjure up the 'Titus Oates Popish Plot' a fictitious conspiracy to dethrone Charles II. In 1678, in his 'Examinations as to Popery in Monmouthshire', he stated that: "He hath seen a hundred papists meet on the top of an high Hill, called St Michael's Mount, here is frequent meetings eight or ten times in the year, mass is often said there". This church overlooked Gelli on Skirrid Mountain. If the Hughes were R.C. and they buried at that church all their records have likely been destroyed, this may seem unlikely if they were connected with Llanvetherine church so closely, although I have not found a single parish entry for any Hughes therein, or any tombs, and a dearth of BMD documents in the wider area (although this may be excusable, they living prior to 1700). John described the church as "ruinous, with crosses upon stones", another witness stating that "wonderful sermons were preached" there.
Father David Lewis (aka Charles Baker) & Philip Evans continued to preach and assist the recusants, based at Llantaram & Cwm Llanrothal. They were found to be conducting meetings at the private chapel or oratory in Gunter's Mansion in Cross Street, Abergavenny, where more people were visiting than the local church, with "Jesuits marks" on the property. This lead to his, his curate and Thomas Gunters arrest in 1678, and their trial & execution in a brutal manner, for which they were canonised later, as were 40 Welsh priests in England & Wales in this period who had fallen fowl of Arnold's supposed Plot. The private chapel was walled up, and only discovered in 1907. The 'marks' on the wall were I.H.S. Jesus Hominem Salvator, a common abbreviation found on houses, tombs etc of the era. The list of those put on trial for recusancy in 1717 are familiar to the area: Mary Gunter; Catherine Gunter; William Hughes; Mary Powell; Bridget Powell; Catherine Powell; Winifred Powell; Anne Powell; Henry Williams. I have not seen the case so I cannot speculate as to their identities as yet... but James did have an Uncle William.
After this 'Spanish Inquisition' the tables turned on Arnold in 1680 where an attempt was made on his life (although likely he made this up). James Hughes appears to have gone to a meeting or muster at Llanvihangel Court, when John was trying to stir up the Popish Plot again. The fact that James informs the King of the treasonous things he was saying may display his Catholic sympathies? Arnold was bought to trial and fined £10,000 a substantial sum, unable to pay he was imprisoned in 1686.
| July 12 1682. The deposition on oath of James Hughes of the parish of Llanvetherin, Monmouthshire. On the Friday before the parliament met at Oxford he heard John Arnold at his house utter the following words: "That he was going for Oxford to represent his country and, if any harm happened to any of the members of the House of Commons, it must be a Papist that does it, and he that says that the Duke of York, the Marquess of Worcester, Lord Halifax, Sir Leoline Jenkins and two or three more noblemen were good men, was a Papist and no good subject and did not love the Commons of England and he spoke slightly of the Duke of York and advised all to stab and kill all that would say that any of those men were good men and that they should not go for any warrant to question them for saying so, but destroy them presently". Immediately after John Arnold, Edward Turberville and servants, all being double armed, went on their journey for Oxford. Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II, 1682 |
All this 'exciting history' thus leads me back to the two painted figures in Gelliwig. Could they be depictions in memory of the two executed Roman Catholic priests, such devoted souls, who taught the young, helped the poor and brought many people to Christ, cut down in their prime by a rabid Protestant politician? I only have tenuous links based on interaction with R.C.'s Gunter & Powell to Hughes, Anna Maria possibly a Catholic name, James's deposition against John and the general history of the faith in the area. It seems a very logical process to link these facts together, given the absence of any other evidence as to who or what they might be. That does not preclude the chance they may be;
- Dead relatives also caught up in the plot, especially with the absence of 'halos', monkish tonsures, and the glaring fact that they bare no resemblance to portraits of the condemned men.
- Painted over a door lintel, could they have been an entrance way to a private oratory in the cider press?
- Depictions of their son & daughter. Teens were often shaved on coming of age as a ritual of passage, might this be to remind them that suffering in this life would reward in the next?
- From a different perspective, as this was the entrance to the cider press, was there some connection with Adam & Eve and their fall from grace into hard labour as a result of 'the apple tree'?
They are certainly painted by an amateur, and very similar in style to the mural found in the Gunter Mansion. Expert analysis could confirm or deny this. But if it IS a Catholic sentiment, would they have risked having it on full view in the main greeting room, especially if Arnold was snooping around the area? Therefore would it have been painted after his death in 1702 and the trials of 1717? Or was Arnold actually a R.C. and a hypocrite, protecting himself and blackmailing others? Or as he was a politician was he merely exploiting the laws of the time that allowed him to hunt down and execute Catholics thus displaying how inhumane the laws were, leading to religious tolerance? Maybe coming back to Anna Maria may solve this. She SEEMS to be a very tough lady, well connected in the law, and adamant to have her own way. Could her demeanour have scared off Arnold, he looking for easier targets? The answer may simply lie in the questions.
Brailsford Hughes the only son of James, churchwarden of Llanvetherine married into the Floyers of Ty Gwyn, Llantilio Portholey. He died in 1748 leaving Gelli to only daughter Letitia, unmarried and embroiled with legal matters and so Gelli probably was sold or passed to Rev William Watkins around this time. Watkins was a busy man as vicar and rectors of Llangatock Lingoed, Llantilio Pertholey, Llanvihangel Crucorney and Llanvetherine, donating 12 fir trees to Llanvapely church in 1754. It is glaringly obvious he was a man of faith and by the date we could even connect him with the painted murals for whichever of the reasons I have supposed above. We must also consider CADW's suggestion that they are neo-classical 'theatrical' in style, which was a revival of Greek & Roman styles of art, designed to be "simple & insipid". He also had personal losses, 3 of his young children died in a smallpox outbreak of 1764, he ran three churches and was in debt until his death, so every reason to be reminded of sorrow and suffering daily by these mournful murals?
His supposed relation another William Watkins of Wernycwm d.1896 owned Gelliwig, Ty Newydd (New House) & Croes Phillip Jack farms. The house is then inhabited by numerous but not so distinguished occupants, being auctioned several times to the present day.
Hughes Family Tree 1300-1800

| |
5th C: | St Gwytherin founds the church |
9th C: | Black Book of St Teilo: land supposedly donated to Llandaff by a 'Cors & Morwydd' |
1129 | Black Book of St Teilo: Guetherin near river Trothy | |
1349 | Occupant: Roger de Gunter. Plague in Monmouth |
1397 | Occupant (before this date): Lawrence de Gunter |
1540 | Occupant: Sir Hugh ap Howel 1500-1543 mansion called 'Gellthe wege', Rector of Llanvetherine. |
1544 | Occupant: John ap Hywel 1520-1580 |
1580 | Occupant: Thomas Hughes 1560-1600 |
1600 | Gelli rebuilt by James Hughes? 1580-1646 |
1646 | Occupant: James Hughes d.1646. Leaves lands to Margared Hughes |
1646 | Occupant: Margared Hughes |
1647 | Thomas Hughes 1630-00 fined £105 for assisting Royalists in 1642 |
1673 | Occupant: Thomas Hughes, Blomes list of gentry |
1679 | Local priests executed for being 'Popish' |
1682 | John Arnold, Catholic 'hunter' preaches against King's Earls. James Hughes takes oath against him in Parliament |
1707 | James Hughes marries Anna Maria inheritor, pulls down old farms & orchards |
1717 | High Court Case: part of estates surrendered to Edward Williams, Llangattock |
1717 | James Hughes elected High Sheriff of Monmouth. Coat of Arms: Gu, chevron between 3 rams heads caboshed, Or.
Further Persecution of Roman Catholics in area |
1729 | Occupier: Brailsford Hughes, churchwarden Llanvetherine |
1749 | High Court Case: Letitia Hughes (da of above) vs John Pine |
1751 | Gelli bought/gifted? by William Watkins Rector Llanvetherine |
1822 | Auction of Gelli farm. Owner: Mr Morris |
1822 | Auction of Upper Gelli farm. Tenant: Mr Lewis. Gelli: Mr Jones |
1849 | Court Case Lewis vs Mr Jones |
1863 | Phoebe da. late Mr Jones, Gelli m. to John Davies |
1896 | Mr William Watkins of Wernycwm owner Gelliwig |
1901 | Occupier Joshua Lewis, farmer |
1919 | Occupier Mr & Mrs John Lewis |
1919 | Sold to Mr Alfred Herbert, Grosmont. Lower Gelli sold to Mr John Lewis above |
2001 | Wall murals uncovered. Major renovation to date. |
The Listed Building Descriptions
Grade: II* Date Listed: 19 October 2000 Cadw Building ID: 24196
Gelli comprises 2 conjoined dwellings - 2 separate ranges at right angles to each other and linked at a corner. Both retain features indicative of an early C17 date, suggesting its development as a "unit-system" of 2 linked households. The range aligned E-W appears to have formed the principal dwelling and it retains exceptionally fine interior detail, both from the original period of building, and from a probably early C18 remodelling. The N-S wing retains little original architectural detail and its character suggests an ancillary relationship to the main house. Attached to the west side of the wing and aligned with main house to the W is a former cider-house - an additional storeyed building which may also have been a dwelling at one time - it is probably C18. A range of altered farm-buildings to the E link the main house with a timber-framed barn probably also of early C18 date.
The Present House
"A courtyard farmstead having a substantial stone-built 17th century house with later stable alongside, flanked by a subsidiary house and a timber-framed barn. The main house of c. 1650 is of central entry plan-type with end chimneys and a contemporary rear stair wing. Both main and subsidiary houses have ovolo-moulded windows. The link between the houses is provided by an internal 'porch' of post-and-panel construction with remarkable painted decoration of an 18th century neo-classical 'theatrical' type. The paintings were uncovered in 2001/2 and photographed by RCAHMW in October 2002. The site was historically known as Gelliwig (NPRN 36911), a name now applied to the subsidiary house." Royal Commission The main house is very prettily restored by the current owners who have remained true to the original character and have not removed any of the features.
The main house combines detail from the original phase of construction (early C17) with early C18 remodelling. Ground floor layout is the result of this remodelling, and comprises wide central hall leading to staircase in rear wing, with principal rooms to either side. This entrance hall was probably created by division of the original main living room or hall, which is the left-hand room (good 2-panelled C18 door). This has 2 broad chamfered lateral beams, with a further beam abutting the chimney breast; stop-chamfered bressumer to fire-place. The most striking feature of the room, however, is the timber-framed lobby to the left of the fire-place, which formerly gave access to doorways to the wing and the rear of the cider-house. Whilst its framing suggests an early C17 date, its remarkable painted embellishment is probably contemporary with the early C18 remodelling work: In panels over the door are two mask-like portrait heads - bald males with exaggerated expressions of woe. The swags in panels to the left of the door contribute to the rather theatrical character. The rest of the structure is also enriched with marbling. To the right of the fireplace is what appears to be the remains of a mural stair, perhaps the original staircase before the C18 remodelling. To the rear, within the rear wing, a small room has an off-centre plaster roundel of C18 character: it seems likely that this was formerly the stair-well, but if so, the lower rise of the staircase must have been re-aligned.
Right hand room also has fireplace with chamfered bressumer and chamfered stone jambs: it retains a good early C18 ceiling, with deep moulded cornice. Unusual dado may be early C19 (contemporary with the 6-panelled doorway to this room). Stair-case contained within rear wing has panelled newels and turned balusters.
First floor retains early C17 arrangement remarkably intact. It comprises 3 rooms with a short rear corridor giving them all separate access from the staircase. (This corridor may have been contrived when the stair-case was added, since the rooms were originally interconnecting, and the partition between the central room and the corridor is not jointed in to the other partitions). All internal partitions are post-and-panel work, and there are shaped heads to the interconnecting doorways. Fireplace in east room has chamfered stone jambs and stop-chamfered timber bressumer, like that in the room below. In addition, 2 wall-cupboards are also of early date (though probably early C18): decorated panelled doors with butterfly hinges.
N-S wing has been largely remodelled internally and there is little evidence of its earlier arrangement; it comprises 2 large rooms divided by a chimney breast and staircase but the staircase appears modern and there is no evidence indicative of an early date for the chimney (there is however evidence externally for an additional gable end stack to the north). Both rooms have stop-chamfered ceiling beams - the right-hand room has 4 lateral beams with no evidence of sub-division.
Cider house also has stop-chamfered lateral beams; gable end fireplace with mural stair. Upper floor has 2-panel C18 door originally connecting to wing, and boarded ceiling, suggesting early existence of an attic.
Barn retains original layout with opposed entrances (that to east in full-height porch), and is 5 bays (2 either side of threshing bay which retains stone-flagged floor). 2 tiers of square-panelled framing, and braces to queen-strut trusses.
Main house, with attached secondary dwelling forming a N-S wing; cider house to W, and farm building range to E, the main barn aligned N-S, and roughly balancing the domestic wing. Main house is rendered over stone to the front elevation, but exposed local sandstone rubble to gable ends and rear; slate roof with gable end stacks. 2 storeyed, 2-unit plan arranged symmetrically with central entrance. Front elevation is as remodelled in the C20: recorded by Bradney in 1906 as having 12-pane sash windows, it now has 4-pane horned sashes. Central doorway retains overlight and brackets to canopy, partly concealed by a modern porch. West gable elevation retains a series of ovolo-moulded mullioned windows, and there are similar windows to the first floor rear (ground floor window C20). In the centre of the rear elevation, a full-height hipped-roofed wing may appear to be an early C18 addition, housing the staircase: it retains a mullioned and transomed window at first floor. Modern lean-to in its NE angle with the main range.
At its SW corner, the main range is linked to the N-S wing. This is also built of local rubble stone, rendered to the front elevation. Slate roof with small axial stack. Elevational detail is all C20 (out-of-character modern windows) with the exception of one 3-light ovolo-moulded mullioned window towards the left. The fa?ade is oddly divided, and the long left-hand unit has only this single window to the ground floor (2x4-pane sashes above); doorway and flanking windows (one in earlier opening) are to the right of the stack. Stairs to first floor loft entry at gable end.
Former cider house adjoins this range to the NW: similar rubble construction, with slate roof and brick gable end stack. Altered ground-floor openings obscuring the original arrangement; but single window to first floor (itself also altered). Projecting circular bread-oven against west gable; single wood mullioned and transomed window on each floor to rear. A large hipped roofed lean-to links the cider house and the west gable wall of the main dwelling.
East of the main dwelling, a farm-building range links the house to the barn. The farm-range is rubble construction with corrugated sheet roof; near-centre arched doorway with small window to left, and loft door up steps to right. Barn at right-angles is timber-framed. The framing is exposed in the S gable apex, the truss here under-built in stone rubble; framing concealed by corrugated tin cladding on west elevation, and by a recent agricultural building to the east.
Reason for Listing
Listed at II* as an intact sub-medieval group of conjoined dwellings and associated farm-buildings, the main house retaining an exceptionally well-preserved early C17 interior, remarkable for the way it was enriched in the C18, and especially for the highly unusual painted decoration of its principal room.
Reference Section
P.R.O.: Public records Office. M.C.A.: Gwent County Archives. S.C.L.: Swansea Central Library. N.W.L.: National Library of Wales. AB.C.L: Abergavenny Central Library. C.C.L.: Cardiff central Library. References in ascendancy of date, early to late.
- Llanvetherine also spelt: Lanvethrine, Lanwytheryn, Lanfetherin, Lanwetherin, Llan Gwytherin, Lanwitheryn, Langwythryn, Llanfurring, Llanveryn, Guiethirin, Llanaferyng, Llanverine
- Gelli also Spelt: Geli, Getli, Gethle, Gellthe wege, Gelliwig, Gelli-wig
Map Links
- N.L.W. Author Gabb, Robert, fl. 1824-1846.
Plan of the parish of Llanvetherine in the county of Monmouth [cartographic material] / by Robert Gabb, surveyor, Abergavenny. tithes
- South Wales and the Border in the 14th century, SE. William Rees. 1968. British Library Online. Online Link
- Britannia Insularum In Oceano Maximo - Sheet 9 Saxton, Christopher. 1583. British Library Online. Online Link
- MONUMENTHENSIS Comitatus. Saxton, Christopher. 1579. British Library Online. Online Link
- Various Monmouthshire maps c.1605-1897 Online Link (Ancestry)
- Abergavenny. 1832. Sheet 32. Online Link (Visions of Britain)
- Old OS Maps 1878-1984. Online Link
- Google Maps 2014.
Online Link
- Street Maps 2014.
Online Link
Roger de Gunter
- Tenant 1348. (Bradney Vol 1 Pt 2a. from Wakeman's MSS.).
- Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, Vol IX p.121. Online Transcript (
Lawrence Gunter
- Tenant, Gelliwig <1397
- 'Close Rolls, Richard II: December 1397', Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II: A. E. Stamp (editor) 1927
volume 6: 1396-1399 (1927), pp. 170-190 Membrane 6. Dec. 5, 1397. Westminster.
"...To the escheator in Herefordshire and the march of Wales adjacent. Order to give the said Philippa livery of a third part of Bergeveny castle....
the fourth part of one knight's fee in the manor of Getly held by the heirs of Lawrence Gunter..."
Online Transcript (British History, sub)
Sir Hugh ap Howel b.1500 d.1543 26 May Age: 43.
- Tenant/Owner Gelliwig. m. Jonet c.1520. s. John ap Hywel b.c.1520. da. Elsbeth b.c. 1520.
- Will 26 May 1543. Proved 1544, PROBATE: Body to be buried in the parish church of the blessed in the town of Abergavenny (spelt Brgaveny). Property> leaves his mansion called 'Gellthe wege' with all his lands and cattle to his wife Jonet and his son John ap Hywel. His daughter Elsbeth to have lands in Llanddewi Ysgyryd. Repair of Usk bridge, reparation of Abergavenny, Llanddewi Scyrrid & Llanferin church. Executor Phillip William Trerhiw, John Jones clk, Nicholas David Phillip. Nephew John Williams to pray for him. Also held land in Llanvihangel Kylcornill (possibly Crucorney?). [PCC: 6 Pynning]. Online Link PROB 11/30/92. 2 May 1544. Also on 6 Pynning 1544-45, Piece 30, i.95, p.47.
Online Link
- Rectors of Llanvetherine church: Sir Hugh ap Howel in 1545, son of Howel ap David ap Philip ap Iorwerth of Llangattock Lingoed. (I: p.271 Bradney). (This 1545 date is reference to a will made on 12th Feb. 1540, proved 1545 6/2 (PCC F. 3 Alen ; i.49 p.23) (Trans. p.283 Bradney): will of James ap Watkin ap Gryffydd, Llandewi Rhydderch. "Item, to Sir Hugh ap Howel priest Llanvetherine & David ap John Jenkins all my houses and lands in Caerlleon" (the monies from which were paid out to his children over several years). A man with a similar name was Hugh ap Powell rector of Llantilio Crosseny will proved 1611 (PCC Wood 14 p.102. Ancestry i.205) which may confuse if incorrectly transcribed. The fact that Hugh describes himself as a parishioner in his 1543 will maybe because he had retired from priestly duties.
- F: Howel ap David b.c.1460 d.c.1520 in Llangattock Lingoed.
S: David ap Howell. S: John ap Howell.
S: Thomas ap Howel b.c.1490-1570 Rector, Bryngwyn Church, Raglan (Bradney II: 107).
- F: David ap Howell b.c.1420
- F: Howell ap Philip b.c.1375
- F: Philip ap Iorwerth b.c.1340 s. John ap Phillip ap Iorwerth, rec. Llanddewi Rhydderch 1396.
- F: Iorwerth b.c.1320
- Hughes Family Tree 1300-1800
- Online Transcript Ken Prandy, History of Llangattock Lingoed
John ap Hywel b.c.1500 d.c.1580 - aka John Hughes, of, Gelli-wig, Llanwytherin.
- Hugh ap Powell. p.117 Bradney Skenfrith vol 1.1. 1560 Rev Llantilo Crosseny. Will 1610 1611 proved PCC Wood 14 p.102. ancestry i.205.
Online Transcript Mentions a John Hughes. Possible match?
Thomas ap John b.c.1560 d.c.1610
- Tenant/Owner, Gelli-wig, Llanwytherin, Y Grysmwnt. s.William Hughes, clerk. s.James Hughes. da.Marie verch Thomas. gds.Richard Thomas Hughes? gds.John Thomas Hughes? gds.James Thomas Hughes?
da. Catrin Hughes b.1570 m.c.1595 Gilbert ap John, b.1570 of the Grange, Campston, Y Grysmwnt.
F. John ap Richard, b. Abt 1530, the Grange, Campston, Y Grysmwnt.
M. Joan Gilbert, b. Abt 1530, Oldcastle, Ewias, Herefordshire, England
- (Mon. Wills 102 / PCC 74 Sainberbe) Will of Jenkyn James, LLanvetherine 20 Sept 1591. "...Thomas (ap) John Hughes gent to have use of £200 for maintenance of John & William (grandsons). All corn in the great barn of the parsonage of Llanvetherine to be distributed to the poor by executors Thomas (ap) John Hughes & Phillip Powell." Will exhibited by same in 1593 to be corrected.
- (Mon. Wills 125 / PCC 9 Cobham) Will of James John Richarde, Wernycwm, Llanvetherine 3rd Nov 1596. "...Catherine ferch Thomas da. to Thomas Hughes £30 within 3 months of marriage (she m.Gilbert ap John Richard his brother (p.268 Bradney)). James Hughes £36.6.8d. Richard Thomas Hughes & John Thomas Hughes £4 divided. Marie ferch Thomas da. of Thomas James Thomas Hughes my da. s., parcel of land in Llantilo Crosseny...witness Thomas Hughes...". He is the father of Thomas James, who went to discover the N.W. passage in Canada.
- (Mon. Wills 127 / PCC 34 Cobham) Will of Elizabeth ferch Howell wife of above. 28 Feb 1596/7. "Witness Thomas ap John Hughes"
- N.L.W. Tredegar 19/33. 1606, Dec. 5.
Lewis William Proger of Lantilio Gressenny, William Proger, son and heir of the said Lewis, gent., Blanche, his wife, Gwenllian verghe Moris, relict of John David Thomas of Llantilio Gressenny aforesaid. 2. Thomas Hughes of Lanvetherin, gent. Grant of six parcels of land called Nant ynon in Skenfreth. Latin.
James Hughes b.c. 1580 d.1646.
- Occupier of Gelly farm, Llanvetherine
s. Thomas Hughes. da.Margred Hughes b.c. 1630
- Will dated 10 Jun 1645; will proved 27 November 1646 [P.R.O. PCC: 152 Twisse]. PROB 11/198/287.
Online Link. Also on i.70 p.27 Online Link
- Tenth June 20th Charles 1645. (Jacobi) James Hughes of Llanvetherine, Monmouth. Diocese Llandaff
Christian Burial in Llanvetherine. Executor Margared Hughes.
To Rector of Llanvetherine 5s for forgotten tithes.
Margaret Hughes da £200 in 1 year by son Thomas, and lands in llanv tenant by John Williams hooper, 5 young beasts.
Thomas son 5 oxen, 5 younger beasts. Birt Taylor 2 yr old heifer, cloths, shirts. William Hughes, brother boots/books, cloth gown, £75, watch. Margared maid - 40s. Mr T Harpen? guilt salt, 5 silver spoons. ? distributed to poor Llanvetherine. Thomas Phillip Llanthewy Skirrid the blind man a suit and 2nd best shoes. Maud Williams a poor rootman, 3 bushels of Munforni. James Charles servant 5 ewes and lambs. John Powell son of Mathew Powell (des) 3 yr old colt and binding. Valentine Hughes, brothers da Vagh £5.
All household goods and growing corn divided bet Margared and Thomas by Valentine Powell clerk & Walter Morgan gent, Llantilio Pertholey. Witness Valentine Powell Clrk. Thomas Hughes. John Powell. Rice Prees. Thomas Pritchard. Phillip Cicill of Godirill.
- Will of James John Richarde, 1595 (as ref in Thomas ap John above). "... to James Hughes £36.6.8d..."
Thomas Hughes b.c.1630 d.c.1673 - Gelly farm, Llanvetherine.
s. James Hughes. s.Charles Hughes, Abergavenny, merchant.
- Probable match: Thomas Hughes : will, 18 Jan 1671, proved 19 Apr 1673, Abergavenny. Llandaff Probate Records. NLW Ref: LL1673-6 Online Document. Mentions tithes of Llanvetherine, swords & muskets, wife Mary and James Hughes, debts 144(l).
- Calendar, Committee for Compounding: Part 3. Mary Anne Everett Green (editor) 1891
Vol. G 206. No. or p. 698. 18 Feb. 1647. Thomas Hughes - Compounds for delinquency in assisting the King's party. Came in before Dec. 1645, but had no estate till the death of his father. Is not yet sequestered.
Vol. G 5. No. or p. 19. 2 Nov. Fine at 1/6 £105(l).
Online Transcript
- [23 February, 1648-9.] Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660
C.H. Firth, R.S. Rait (eds)1911 ii, Pages 14-16 February, 1649
That this Act shall not extend to discharge or pardon any person excepted from pardon in the Propositions presented to the King at Hampton Court: Provided also, This shall not extend to free or pardon for their several Delinquencies against the Parliament, Edward Earl of Worcester, Lord of Bergavenny, .... Thomas Hughes of Lanvethrin.
Online Transcript
- 1645-60 (I have doubts whether Thomas was made a commissioner after being found royalist, it is probably a man of the same name from Moynes Court, Mon.) And Be it further Enacted by this present Parliament, and it is hereby Enacted by the Authority thereof, That the Persons hereafter named shall be Commissioners of the several and respective Counties, Cities, Burroughs, Towns and places in England hereafter named, that is to say.... Monmouth, Thomas Hughes.
Online Transcript
Online Transcript
Online Transcript
Online Transcript
Online Transcript
Online Transcript
Online Transcript
- N.L.W. Cwrtmawr Deeds 1,440. 1648/9, Jan. 6.
1. Thomas Gilbert of Lanvetherine, co. Mon., gent. 2. Thomas Hughes of Lanvetherine and George Jenkins of Goytery, both of co. Mon., gent's.
Bargain And Sale of a m. in p. Lanvetherine, co. Mon.
- N.L.W. Cwrtmawr Deeds 587. 1663/4, Jan. 21.
1. Thomas Hughes of Lanvetherin, co. Mon., gent., James Hughes of Lanvetherin, co. Mon., gent., his son and heir apparent, and
Charles Hughes of Bergevenny, co. Mon., merchant, another son of the said Thomas Hughes. 2. Thomas Powell of Poole Hall, p.
Langattock llyngoed, co. Mon., gent. Bond concerning possession of a m., etc., in p. Lanvetherin aforesaid
- P.R.O. C 6/10/284 Description:Short title: William v Hughes.
Plaintiffs: John William and others. Defendants: Thomas Hughes and another.
Subject: property in Llanvetherine, Monmouthshire.
Document type: answer only.Date: 1649
- P.R.O. C 6/111/58 Description:Short title: Hughes v Gilbert.
Plaintiffs: Thomas Hughes and George Jenkins.
Defendants: Martha Gilbert widow. Subject: property in Llanvetherine, Monmouthshire.
Document type: bill, answer. Date: 1651
An Alphabetical Account of the Nobility and Gentry,
Richard Blome
privately printed, 1673
p.63 Thomas Hughes Gelli Online Transcript
- Bradney p.66 Vol II. son Charles Hughes m. Floyer Brecon Cathedral, possible match?
James Hughes b.c.1650-1725
- Gelly farm, Llanvetherine. Wife Anna Maria m.c.1707 (Golden Grove reference, formerly on Community Trees, now removed online)
- da.Anna Maria Hughes b.c.1708. m. Edward Williams, Llangattock Court
- s.Brailsford Hughes, b.c. 1707 d. 1748 Esquire, churchwarden Llanvetherine
m. Elizabeth Floyer, b. 1703, of, Ty-Gwyn, Llandeilo Pertholau, Monmouthshire,
f.John Floyer, b.c.1671, d.5 Jan 1727 m.Susanna Watts, b. Abt 1670, of, Monmouthshire
- High Sheriff of Monmouth 1717,
Online Transcript Wikipedia. 'Annals and antiquities ... families of Wales' Vol 2. by Nicholas, Thomas.
Published 1872 by Longmans, Green, Reader in London, Book Online.
London Gazette Dec 8 1716 no. 5492 p.1, Online Link.
- Coat of Arms: Gu, Chevron between 3 Rams Heads, Caboshed, Or. (Bradney)
- Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Charles II, 1682 F. H. Blackburne Daniell (editor)1932 Pages 279-321
July 12 1682. The deposition on oath of James Hughes of the parish of Llanvetherin, Monmouthshire. On the Friday before the parliament met at Oxford he heard John Arnold at his house utter the following words: That he was going for Oxford to represent his country and, if any harm happened to any of the members of the House of Commons, it must be a Papist that does it, and he that says that the Duke of York, the Marquess of Worcester, Lord Halifax, Sir Leoline Jenkins and two or three more noblemen were good men, was a Papist and no good subject and did not love the Commons of England and he spoke slightly of the Duke of York and advised all to stab and kill all that would say that any of those men were good men and that they should not go for any warrant to question them for saying so, but destroy them presently. Immediately after John Arnold, Edward Turberville and servants, all being double armed, went on their journey for Oxford. [Ibid. No. 146.] Online Transcript
- N.L.W. Tredegar 92/35. 1673, June 30.
1. Henry Baker of Abergavenny, co. Mon., esq., and others. 2. James Hughes of Gelly, p. Lanvetherine, co. Mon., gent. Lease for a thousand years of closes of land called Ennys ur Gardier, containing twelve a., Wirlod ur Gardier, containing six a., and the Gardier, containing ten a., in p. Lanvetherin, as defined; also the meadow called Wirlod Newith, containing two a., in p. Lanvetherin. Rent: £12 annually for the relief of four poor tradesmen in Abergavenny, in accordance with the provisions of the will of James Parry, formerly of p. Lantillio Pertholey. Stained.
- N.L.W. Tredegar 18/16. 1673, April 10.
1. James Hughes of Gelly, Lanvetherine, gent. 2. Daniell Kerry of Middle Temple, London, esq. Lease for a year (so that a release may be made) of parcels of land in Lanvetherine called Ennysur Gardier, wirlod ur Gardier, and the Gardier.
- (Possible Match) Parish Records: Llanvetherine
First Name JAMES Last Name HUGHES Record set Monmouthshire Burials
Year 1725 Father's First Name Thomas, yeoman Parish Cwmcarfan Burial Day 27 Mar 1725
Page 62. OR James Hughes d.1727, St Mary, Abergavenny
- P.R.O. C 6/211/36. Short title: Hughes v Hughes.Plaintiffs: James Hughes.Defendants: Mary Hughes widow.Subject: marriage agreement, Monmouthshire.
Document type: bill, answer.Date: 1674
- P.R.O. C 11/1882/89. Edward Williams vs Ann Maria Hughes, Llangattock. 1717. Surrender of estates to Williams. [photoed & transcribed]
Anna Maria Brailsford b.c.1665 London - d.1729 Llangattock Court
- Inherits part of father James Brailsford's estates, will 1678, haberdasher, London. Ward of court of orphans (aged 13).
- 1stm.c.1685 John Morgan d.1699 Wenallt Llanddeti - son John Morgan d. no issue
- 1699 will of John Morgan husband - given £100 a year and right to distrain lands of son John Morgan as he is under 21. If he dies all lands go to wife, if she dies all to William, then Hugh brothers, then Mary sister (married Henry Williams, Llangattock). To wife, furniture, appliances etc. Gold watch to wife's sister. (She outlives all testators and her son). Brecon Probate Records, N.L.W. BR/1699/64. Probate of the will of John Morgan of Wennallt, co. Brec., dated 6 Dec. 1697, 1699, Nov. 14. Online Link
- 2ndm.c.1707 remarries James Hughes, Gelli, pulls down farms, clears orchards on estates.
da. Anna Maria Hughes, 1stm.c.1720,Edward Williams Llangattock Court. 2ndm.c.1728 John Powell, Pool Hall or Llangattock.
s.Brailsford Hughes 1707-1748 m.c.1728 Elizabeth Floyer
- 31 Jan 1717 London Court Case, seized lands in Brecon, Glamorgan, ordered to give them to her
nephew in law Edward Williams, she then arranges his marriage with her daughter Anna Maria Hughes. P.R.O. C 11/1882/89. Edward Williams vs Ann Maria Hughes, Llangattock. 1717. Surrender of estates to Williams. [photoed & transcribed]
- 1714 Patron of Llanddeti church. Jones 'Brecknock' 1809, Vol 2 Pt.2, p.531
- 1726 in care of Palleg through death of son in law Edward Williams Llangattock (NLW Brecon Prob. BR1726-65)(as above).Online Link
- Arranges 2nd marriage of da. Anna to John Powell, Pool Hall or Llangattock
- 1728 London Court Case, P.R.O. C 11/1314/1 Aunely v Williams. John Auneley, upholder of Bristol and Frances Auneley his wife. Defendants: Henry Williams, gent John Powell, gent and Anna Maria Powell his wife, Edward Williams, Anna Maria Hughes, widow, Benjamin Nicholas and William Morgan, gent.
- 30 May 1729 Llangattock. Death, Anna Maria Hughes wid of James Hughes, Gelli, Mon. Parish Register.
- Bradney, History of Monmouthshire, vol. 1 p. 267
- Note: Anna Maria sounds a Roman Catholic name, more frequent in Germany, Italia, Spain.
Links with Jones, Games, Gwyne, Jones of Buckland, Vaughan of Tretwr. 1st husband Morgans family lawyers, as were Powell. More details at Palleg Manor under Morgan, Hughes & Williams Ownership.
Brailsford Hughes b.c.1707-d.48
- Marriage: BRAILSFORD HUGHES. Bride Elizabeth Floyer. Monmouthshire. 4 April 1727. Parish Llantilio Pertholey
Groom Parish Lanvetherin.
- Roots Web Profile
- Entry in Bradney, History of Monmouth vol. 1 p. 205, 267.
- NLW LL/CC/G/774.
Title Account of Brailsford Hughes, esq., churchwarden of Llanvetherine for 1734, 1735, Oct. 11.
- P.R.O. C 11/1099/15 Description: Short title: Hughes v Pine.
Document type: Bill and answer. Plaintiffs: Letitia Hughes spinster (only child and heir at law of Brailsford Hughes, esq, deceased late of Llanvetherine,
Monmouthshire, who was eldest son and heir of James Hughes, esq deceased).
Defendants: John Pine, esq.Date of bill (or first document): 1749
Relating to Floyer of Ty Gwyn, Abergavenny
- Powys R.O. Deeds of Floyer
- Floyer Family Tree
Roots Web Profile
- 'Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica' Ed. by Joseph Jackson Howard. Mitchell and Hughes, London, 1894; Vol I.
Online Transcript Floyer Family Tree
- PCA RC/E/CLY/1/67 1. Elizabeth Hughes of town of Abergavenny, co. Mon. , widow of Brailsford Hughes 19 October 1754
- (N.L.W.) Probyn Deeds33. 1748, Oct. 25.
1. Charles Floyer of the town of Abergavenny, co. Monmouth, gent., and Blanch, his wife;. 2. Kedgewyn Webley of London, gent., John Hughes of the town of Brecon, co. Brecon, esq., and Daniel Price of Abergavenny, apothecary;. 3. The Most Hon. Charles Noel, Duke of Beaufort, the said Kedgewyn Webley and John Hughes, Richard Lewis of Langeney, co. Brecon, esq., James Parry of Landevaylog, co. Brecon, esq., Katherine Meredith and Cecily Meredith of Abergavenny, spinsters, Richard Llewelin of Lanfoist, co. Monmouth, Thomas Powell, Harcourt Powell and James Hayward of London, gentlemen, John Jeffreys of the same place, esq., Alice Heath of Pistlebrook in Herefordshire, widow, executrix of John Heath of the same place, deceased, William Watkins of Grosmont, co. Monmouth, gent., and Elizabeth Goodere, Mary Goodere and Anne Goodere, spinsters. Demise by the first to the second party hereto of a capital messuage called Whitehouse ffarme with the capital dwelling house called Whitehouse,
William Watkins b.c.1730-d.c.1776.
- Owner/Occupier Gelliwig c.1751 after death of Brailsford Hughes?
- m.23 Jun 1753 Philadelphia Constable in St Bartholomew, Burwash, Sussex. Occupation: Clerk. (p.110 Parish reg. FHL Film Number: 1067139)
- da. Ann 1751-47. da.Mary b.1754-64. s.Edward b.1756-16. da.Harcourt b.1758-64. da.Bathurst 1759-64. s.John 1760-96. s.Charles, author, 1799 certificated conveyancer, d.15 Feb. 1808.
- 1748 see Probyn Deeds 33, above, possibly part owned Whitehouse?
- 1759 curate of Llangattock Lingoed. Appointed Rector 1761 Feb 25 to June '77, George III patron. (p.260 Bradney)
- 1759 .SERGISON/1/550 10 June 1763. West Sussex Record Office.
Recites: (i) 21 May 1759. Bond, in the sum of £2,000, from (a) Samuel Durrant of Lewes, gentleman, to (b) George Constable of Burwash, gentleman, to secure payment of an annuity of £60 during the lifetime of Philadelphia, wife of William Watkins of Gethly, Co.Monmouth, Clerk, and daughter of the said Mary Constable.Online Transcript P.R.O. Kew
- 1762 June 10 Vicar of Llantilo Pertholey.
1765/6 Jan 10 Reappointed to April '77. (p.209 Bradney)
- 1765 Jan 10 Vicar of Llanvihangel Crucorney (p.220 Bradney)
- 24 Dec 1771. (Possible match) W. Sussex R.O. Cat No WISTON MSS 803
William Watkins, eldest brother and heir of Samuel Watkins, dec'd., and conditional surrender to John Hamlin of Buxted, yeo., for ?45.
Cottage and parcel of new assart land (1.5a) called Rye Croft; parcel of land (0.5;a.) at Hardly Down, adjoining Rye Croft and late part of manorial waste; all in Buxted and copyhold of the manor of Framfield.
- 1772 Rector of Llanvetherine (p.271 Bradney)
- 1751-1775 Subscribed to 'The Natural History of Cornwall' address 1758: Gethly, Llanvetherine. (Avero Pub. Biography Database, 1680-1830).
- Possibly rebuilt parts of Gellwig (p.267 Bradney)
- p.269 Bradney. Distant cousin. William Watkins d.1896 owner of Gelliwig, Newhouse, Wernycwm and Croes Phillip Jack.
- LLanvetherine Church M.I.
- Philadelphia Watkins relict (widow) of Rev William Watkins da. William Constable esq Sussex 2nd Jan 1823. Mary, 10yr. Harcourt, 6 yr. Bathurst, 5 yr. Small pox, 11 Sept 1764. John Sept 22 1796, 36yr. Edward, 23 July 1816, 60yr.
- Ann Woodcock widow Rev Francis Woodcock MA rector Moreton on Lugg, Hereford, grand. of William Watkin Rec of Llanvetherine. 28th Jan 1847, Age 67.
- Ann Constable spinster, sister of Philadelphia. Ann Dinwoody da. of Philadelphia April 1847, 96 yr.
- William Watkin d. 3rd June 1821 age 52. (b.1769 too late to be him, prob. of Wernycwm)
- d.1896 Mr William Watkins (of Wernycwm family), owner Gelliwig, Newhouse, Croes Phillip Jack, Wernycwm. Bradney p.269 (Farm diary of William Watkins of Llantilio Pertholey, 1851-1864 GB 0218 Misc. MSS. 1656 Gwent Archives. (Possible match? worth a read, not seen).
- Will of Thomas Richards Rector of Llanelen 4 June 1769 proved 1770. Leaves a debt of £17/1s from Rev William Watkins to his wife Esther for serving curacies. Esther widow will 25 March 1773 mentions the same unpaid debt. (p.375 Bradney).
- Note: There was another William Watkins of Llanellen who matriculated from Oxford in 1660 age 17 (b.1643) to become Rector of Llanfihangel Crucorney in 1665 and Llanvapley in 1672, too early to be this Watkins, a shot in the dark suggests this maybe his relation, considering the similar names, locations & churches. Also, Rectors received tithes direct, Vicars received them vicariously via a monastery or bishop.
Ancestors & Relations to the Hughes Family
- Bradney p.199 Cefnyddwyglwyd 1348 held in knights fee by Howel Fychan ap Howel ap Iorwerth fychan descendant of Ynyr King of Gwent Sergeant of Usk castle. Gwenllian da Howel Vychan ap Howel ap Iorworth of Gefnddwyglwyd, Arms per pale azure and sable, 3 fleur de lys or. m. Gwilym ap Jenkin of Wernddu and jure ux (in right of wife) of Cefnddwyglwyd. Master Seargent of Abergavenny 1345 d.1377 (Herbert of Wernddu).
- John ap Phillipe ap Iorwerth, Rec. Llandewi Rhydderch 1369. Online Transcript Gwent local history - 71 Summer 1991 Clergy of the old Gwent parishes J. Daryll Evans
- Possible match? David ap Howell the warrior tomb in Llangattock Nigh Usk 15thc after 1459. p.345 Bradney
- Rector of Grosmont Richard ap David ap Howel ap Phillip 1500 son of D ap H ap P ap Iorwerth of Llangattock Lingoed
Online Transcript Ken Prandy, History of Llangattock Lingoed
- Book of Baglan p.342. Margaret Jones married Howell Pricherd of Campston, sone to Richard ap Pricherd ap Howell ap David ap Howell ap Ievan ap Philipe ap Ioroth of Llangattock Clennicke, and have issue William Pricherd, & John Pricherd. c.1600
- Book of Baglan p.344. The said Jonet vegh Philipe Thomas ap Ievan ap Einen ap Samson ap Philo married David ap Howell ap Philipe ap Ioroth of Llangattocke Clennicke who had issue Howell David Powell, Thomas David Powell, Rees David Powell, John David Powell .... David Powell Sir Richard ...., vicare of Grossemond, & others. [Sir Richard ap David ap Howel ap Philip was vicar of Grosmont in 1500.]
People Possibly Related to Hughes Family
- p.351 Bradney. Post nup settlement 31 July 1603 John Morgan Llanwenarth (Ty Mawr) and Valentine Pritchard, Llanddewi Skirrid. Mentions Thomas Hughes, Llanvetherine gets £240 and capital messuages.
- Edward James, Llangatwg Lingoed, Monmouth, Husbandman, will,
1693. N.L.W. 4/1693/87/W. Blurb mentions 'Alias Gelli-wig' but I find no apparent entry in the will Online Document
NLW Ref: LL1693-87
- Abergavenny Cathedral Monument: - Thomas Hughes d. 1716 & son Roger
- Marriages Transcription. First Name JAMES HUGHES Monmouthshire Marriages Bride Ann Monmouthshire Powell Year 1788
Parish Llanvetherine 17 Jul 1788 (from Find My Past)
- Marriages Transcription. First Name CHARLES Last Name HUGHES Monmouthshire Marriages Mary Hughes
County Monmouthshire Parish Llanvetherine Day Of Marriage 19 Jun 1784 (from Find My Past)
- Marriages Transcription. First Name THOMAS Last Name HUGHS
Monmouthshire Marriages Bride First Mary Thomas Year 1785 Parish Llanvetherine Day Of Marriage 2 Apr 1785 (from Find My Past)
- Grosmont Church Memorials
Possible this could be a branch of the Hughes, they ran Hoaldalbert a water mill in Grosmont.
James son of Thomas Hughes of Hoaldalbert Age XX, XXVII March MDCCXXV (1725). Thomas died VII June MDCCXXVIII (1728) Age LX. Elizabeth wife XXV May MDCCXXX (1730) Age LXI. Elizabeth wife of Thomas son of Thomas II April MDCCXLV (1745) Age XXX III. Thomas XII April MDCCLXXIV (1774) Age LV. Ann da James and Elizabeth 1 May MDCCLXXXVII (1787) Age VI. Elizabeth wife of James XXII Oct MDCCCXIII (1813). James V June MDCCC XXVII (1827) age LXXXV.
Thomas X June MDCCCLVI (1856) Age LXXX.
- Will of Thomas Hughes, Hoaldalbert, 1774 N.L.W. Ref: LL1774-34 Online Document
- Llanfihangel Crucorney M.I.
p.222 Bradney. Mary wife of James Hughes 29 April 1756 age 35. James son 16 July 1789 age 44. James Hughes 10 Oct 1766 50y blacksmith.
P.R.O. C 6/152/85 Description:Short title: Hugh v Hughes.Plaintiffs: James David Hugh.
Defendants: John Hughes, William Powell, Hugh Powell and Walter Powell.
Subject: property in Llantilio Gressenny, Monmouthshire.Document type: answer only.Date: 1655
- Related in Marriage & Business
Thomas, Powell Poole Hall. Henry Baker of Abergavenny. Daniell Kerry of Middle Temple, London.
Vaughan, Powell, Herbert, Gunter, James, Watkins, Jones.
People Related to Llanvetherine
- 'The memoirs of the Hughes of Trostrey' by AG Mein. Gwent local history - 71 Summer 1991 Online Transcript
- Pritchard Family, Skenfrith Roots Web
- Lawrence Hastings. 1st Earl of Pembroke, Lord Abergavenny. Wikipedia Online Transcript
- 'The Strange and Dangerous Voyage of Captaine Thomas James' 1633 John Legatt, London. (of Wern y Cwm farm near Skenfrith Hill)
Online Book
The diary of Walter Powell of Llantilio Crossenny 1603-1654
trans by Joseph Alfred Bradney 1907 by J. Wright & Co.Online Transcript
- M.R.O. Cecill family of the Dyffryn (Grosmont) and Wern-y-cwm (Llanvetherine), Deeds
Online Transcript
- 'Livre des Seintes Medicines' by Henry of Grosmont Duke of Lancaster.
Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Vol 21 no.2 Oct 1937 by EJF Arnould 1940 Cambridge uni. Online Guide
Gelly farm
- Bradney J A, History of Monmouthshire, 1906, Vol 1 Part 2a p 267.
- Royal Commission on Ancient Monuments of Wales. Ref: 306607 Online Transcript
- British Listed Buildings Cadw Building ID: 24196 Online Transcript
- Sir Cyril Fox and Lord Raglan, Monmouthshire Houses, 1954, III, p 110;
- N.L.W. Aberpergwm estate 2168.
Will of Thomas Price of the Gelly, p. Llanvetherine, co. Mon., farmer. PCC 1840, April 14.
- Auction of Gelli. The Cambrian 9 Nov 1822 p.2.
Online Transcript
Lewis vs Jones. London Gazzette. 20 April 1849 Issue:20970. Page:1333 Online Transcript
- Auction of Upper Gelli. Monmouthshire Merlin. 28 April 1849. p.2 col 2, bot. Online Transcript
FAMILY NOTICES. John Davies m. to Phoebe da. late Mr Jones, Gelly. Illustrated Usk Observer and Raglan Herald. 2 January 1864. p.8. Online Transcript
- Lewis Joshua, farmer, Gelly farm. Kelly's Directory of Monmouthshire,1901, LLANVETHERINE. Online Transcript
Homehelp Wanted for Lewis, Gelly. Abergavenny Chronicle. 19 April 1918. p.4, col 2, top Online Transcript
- Auction of Gelli. Abergavenny Chronicle. 31 October 1919. p.4, col 1, top. Online Transcript
- Sale of Gelli. Abergavenny Chronicle. 7 November 1919. p.8, col 4, bot. Online Transcript
- EXHIBITION AND EXAMINATIONS AT ABERGAVENNY. Abergavenny Chronicle. 26 December 1919. p.8. Online Transcript
Relating to Llanvetherine
Notes on churches in the Diocese of Llandaff. By C.A.H. Green. Published 1906 by T.E. Smith. Online Transcript
"Chapter V. Rectories In Deanery of Abergavenny p.145. II. The Parish of Llanvetherine comprises Llanvetherine
Manor, which appears to have been held generally by the chief lord ; and also the Manors of Cefn-y-ddwy-glwyd, Gelliwig and
Wern-y-cwm, each worth 1/4 of a knight's fee, in the Lordship of Abergavenny."
- Calendar of Inquisitions Post-mortem. Vol VI: Edward II. 1910: by Hereford Times.
p.387. Inq. 4 July. 18 Edward II (1325). 612. John de Haystings, Lord Bergeveny.
Lanwytheheryn A messuage, two carucates of land, a meadow, a pasture, 20s yearly rent,
Online Transcript. Also here: Online Transcript.
- Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem Edward III. Vol IX. p.124. Werneurthrik (nr.Abergavenny) 17 April 23rd Edward III, 1349. Llanwytheryn, A messuage, two parts of a mill, 20a Pasture, rents, formerly £4 4s now 52s. and 2s customary works similarly held. Online Transcript Also at Online Transcript
- The Black Death in 'England and Wales, as exhibited in Manorial Documents' by William Rees. Proc R Soc Med. 1923; 16(Sect Hist Med): 27-45. Online Transcript
- N.L.W. Badminton Estate Records, (Manorial) 1577.
Ministers' accounts, 1439, Michaelmas-1440, Michaelmas (18-19 Henry VI).
M. 5. Llanwitheryn*: Account of Howell ap Eignon, reeve.
- Civil War:
Thomas Stubs of Llanvitherrin adjudged to be forfeited for Treason November, 1652
Thomas Stubs of Llanvitherrin the Grange land sequestered and sold November, 1652 (British History Online Database)
- N.L.W. Bradney Manuscripts [1700 x 1933]
Title 'Notae' [1879] x [1933]
This volume contains deeds and documents in the possession of Bradney relating to properties in Llanvetherine
Ref no. NLW MS 7661D. and NLW MS 7647D and NLW MS 7678D and NLW MS 7669D and NLW MS 7645D and NLW MS 7663D
and NLW MS 7653D and NLW MS 7601E and NLW MS 7672D and NLW MS 7648D and NLW MS 7597D.
- Tythe Laws, Petition from Llanthewy Skirrid, & c. for Revision of.Die Mercurii, 17 Martii 1830.
Upon reading the Petition of the Freeholders and Landholders of the several Parishes of Llanthewy Skirrid, Llanthewy Rytherch, Llanvapley, Llanvetherine, Llantilliopertholey, Llanvihangel Crucorney, Llangattocklingold, Llanarth, Goitrey, Bringwyn, Tregare, Penrose, Llanellen and Llanover, in the County of Monmouth, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; praying, "That their Lordships will, at as early a Period in this Session of Parliament as the Business of the Nation will allow, take into their most serious Consideration the present State of the Tythe Laws, and the Effects now resulting from them, and after a strict and mature Investigation of the Question in all its relative Bearings, their Lordships will be pleased to adopt such Measures and make such Arrangements as shall appear to them to be consistent with Justice to the Payers and Receivers of Tythes, and most beneficial to the general Interest of Religion, and those of the Community at large:"
Online Transcript
- Petition for alteration of Tithes.Veneris, 12 die Martii; Anno 11 Georgii IV ti Regis, 1830.
A Petition of the Freeholders and Landholders of the several parishes of Llanthewy, Skirrid, Llanthewy Rytherch, Llanvapley, Llanvetherine, Llantillio-pertholey, Llanvihangel Crucorney, Llangattock-lingoed, Llanarth, Gortrey, Bringwin, Tregare, Penrose, Llanellen and Llanover, in the county of Monmouth, was presented, and read; setting forth, That the Petitioners presume to address the House, under the firmest conviction that the existing Tithes are highly injurious to the best interest of society, both in a religious and political point of view; that they are injurious to religion, because they are, as daily experience evinces, a cause of the most violent and inveterate disputes, and of destroying that harmony and confidence which ever ought to exist between the pastor and his congregation, and of engendering the worst feelings where the best should alone prevail; that the Tithe Laws are most injurious to the interest of agriculture, as they are often an absolute bar to improvement, and are at all times most discouraging to the farmer, as by their operation he is placed in a different and a worse situation than any other speculator, since by his embarking his capital in agricultural pursuits, he becomes liable to have the tenth part of his capital taken from him by the titheholder, who, without capital, labour or risk, frequently derives considerable profit in instances where the cultivator is himself a loser; that the Petitioners beg leave to inform the House, that they pay more in lieu of Tithes than all manner of Taxes to Government and the Poor; that the Petitioners have to complain that disputes respecting the payment of Tithes are determined in a Court constituted in a manner peculiar to itself, without constitutional intervention of a Jury; and praying, That the House will, at as early a period in this Session of Parliament as the business of the nation will allow, take into its most serious consideration the present state of the Tithe Laws, and the effects now resulting from them, and, after a strict and mature investigation of the question in all its relative bearings, it will be pleased to adopt such measures, and make such arrangements as shall appear to the House to be consistent with justice to the payers and receivers of Tithes, and most beneficial to the general interest of religion, and those of the community at large.
Ordered, That the said Petition do lie upon the Table.
Online Transcript
- Llanvetherine (St. James the Elder)
A Topographical Dictionary of England Samuel Lewis (editor) 1848.
LLANVETHERINE (St. James the Elder), a parish, in the union, division, and hundred of Abergavenny, county of Monmouth, 5 miles (N. E. by E.) from Abergavenny; containing 212 inhabitants. The parish is bounded on the east by the river Trothy, and situated on the road from Ross to Abergavenny. It comprises 2143a. 3r. 13p., of which about 983 acres are arable, 1102 meadow and pasture, and 58 woodland and rough grazing-ground; the substratum contains stone, which is quarried for paving. The living is a rectory, valued in the king's books at £14. 17. 8½., and in the gift of the Earl of Abergavenny: the tithes have been commuted for £300, and the glebe comprises 51½ acres. The church is an ancient structure, consisting of a nave and chancel, with a square tower: in the interior are several tombstones sculptured in bas-relief to the Powell family, and on the outside is a tombstone with a rudely-executed effigy of the patron saint. Online Transcript
- 'Place Names of E Gwent' by Graham Osborne. July, 1998. Old Bakehouse Publications
ISBN-13: 978-1874538912
Llanvetherine Newspaper Articles
- POLICE COURT Various. Monmouthshire Merlin. 6 February 1874 p.4.
Poem by A.M.S of Llanvetherine on death of William Williams. County Observer and Monmouthshire Central Advertiser. 11 July 1874. p.5, col 4, mid Online Transcript
- E. MORGAN V. STRACHAN, assault. County Observer and Monmouthshire Central Advertiser 24 July 1875 p.5, col 1, mid Online Transcript
DISCOVERY A CORPSE IN A HAYLOFT. Pembrokeshire Herald and General Advertiser 15 October 1875 p.2, col5, bot Online Transcript
- Wm. Morgan, White House Farm, vs James Strachan jun., of Llanvetherine, property damage. County Observer and Monmouthshire Central Advertiser
25 March 1876 p.4, col 5, bot Online Transcript
- Child Neglect. Stevens, Llanddewi Court. Abergavenny Chronicle. 21 April 1916 p.5, col 4, top Online Transcript
- Riding bicycles without red rear lights, Cullimore, Grosmont. Abergavenny Chronicle. 8 June 1917. p.5, col 4, top Online Transcript
- Poaching, Lewis. Abergavenny Chronicle. 22 February 1918. p.5, col 5, top Online Transcript
Lordship of Abergavenny
- N.L.W. Bute Estate Records, manuscript - D39/1-3.:
Copy Letters Patent (19 cent. transcript and translations) to Jasper, duke of Bedford, of the castles, lordships, manors, commotes and ..., 1488, March 21.
- N.L.W. 'Abergavenny Lordship in the late 15th century : the Valor of 1499/1500' by Anthony Hopkins.
in Monmouthshire Antiquary (Monmouthshire & Caerleon Antiquarian Association), 14 (1998), p. 30-5.
- N.L.W. Baker-Gabb Family of the Chain, Abergavenny. 806.
Memorandum concerning certain customs including tallage, herbage, pannage water and windfall woods within the lordship of Abergavenny, [co. Monmouth], 1554, Aug. 29.
- N.L.W. Marquess of Abergavenny's Papers
R1-R6 Rentals and Terriers, 1585/6-1888.
N.L.W. Marquess of Abergavenny's Papers, 1552.
1624-1777, Sept. 29. Typewritten List of expired life leases 'comprised in parcels c and David, Box 50'. Llanvetherine,
- N.L.W. Marquess of Abergavenny's Papers M1 - M3 Manorial Court Books, 1767-1910.
- Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem Edward III. Vol IX. p.117.Online Transcript Also here: Online Transcript
- Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III: volume 9: 1349-1354
H. C. Maxwell Lyte (editor) 1906 Pages 413-419 Membrane 26. Feb. 20 1352.
Westminster. To Thomas de Aston, escheator in the county of Hereford and the adjacent march of Wales. Order to restore to John Hakelut and to Agnes his wife, late the wife of Laurence de Hastynges, earl of Pembroke, the manors of Penros, Henthles and Wernerith and a rent of 8 1/2 marks in Ebwythvaur and Ebwythvaghan, together with the issues thereof, to hold in dower to the value of 10(l). yearly, saving to the king the reversion of the same if they ought to escheat to him after Agnes's death, as on its being found by inquisition taken by the then escheator in the said county and march that the said earl, who held in chief, was seised at his death of the castle, lordship and borough of Bergeveny and of the manors of Penros, Tresgayr, Henthles, Bryngwyn, Coithmorgan, Lannovor, Tresgoithel, Lanwytheryn and Werneryth, of the said rent and of certain other lands both in England and Wales, in his demesne as of fee, the king caused the said castle, lordship and borough, the manor of Penros and the said rent to be assigned to Agnes in dower and the manors of Henthles and Werneryth in recompence for two parts of 10(l). yearly, which the prior and monks of Bergeveny received yearly of pleas and perquisites of court pertaining to the said castle, lordship and borough, of certain ancient alms granted to them by the earl's ancestors, of which 10(l). no mention is made in the extent of the castle, lordship and borough returned to chancery after the earl's death; and now the manors of Penros, Henthles and Werneryth and the said rent, by name of the manors of Ebwythvaur and Ebwythvaghan have been taken into the king's hands as escheats by the escheator by pretext of an inquisition of office taken afterwards by him, by which it is found that William de Hastynges, at his death, was seised of those manors together with the manors of Tresgair, Bryngwyn, Coythmorgan, Lannovor, Tresgoythel and Lanwytheryn, which are held in chief, in his demesne as of fee, and that he was a bastard and died without an heir; whereupon John and Agnes have besought the king to cause the said manors and lands to be restored to them. By C
- Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III: volume 9: 1349-1354.
H. C. Maxwell Lyte (editor) 1906 Pages 525-533. mem 26. Feb 24 1353.
Westminster. To Thomas de Aston, keeper of the lands which belonged to William de Hastynges, and are in the king's hand. Order to deliver to John Hakelut and Agnes his wife, late the wife of Laurence de Hastynges, earl of Pembroke, all the goods and chattels taken into the king's hand in the manors of Tregayr, Bryngwyn, Coytmorgan, Tregoithel and Langwythryn by the earl's death as of the inheritance of his heir, a minor in the king's wardship, by a mainprise, and all the issues of the manors and lands assigned to Agnes in dower of that inheritance, or to deliver to them the price of the said goods and chattels, as Thomas Hakelut, clerk, and George de Chabenore of the county of Hereford, have mainperned for John and Agnes to answer to the king for all the said goods and chattels of those manors committed to them for payment of a certain ferm to the king, and afterwards taken into the king's hand because it was found by inquisition taken by Thomas de Aston, when he was escheator in the county of Hereford, that William died seised of those manors and of certain other lands assigned in dower to Agnes of that inheritance, in his demesne as of fee and was a bastard By C.
- CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1354. MEMBRANE 23d. p.58. 1354.
March 1 Westminster. Commission of oyer and terminer to Thomas de Bradeston, Roger Hillary, Henry de Greystok and William de Chiltenham, in the counties of Gloucester and Hereford, on information that John Hakelut, Agnes, his wife, and their bailiffs and ministers, have inflicted very many damages, grievances, injuries, extortions and oppressions on the men and tenants of the king's manors of Penros Tregair, Henthles, Bryngwyn,Coitmorgan Werneurthrek, Tregoithel, Lanwytheryn, Lanvonor, Ebouthvaur and Ebouthvaghan, in Wales, which came into his hands as escheats by the death of William de Hastynges, from the time of the death of the said William, as well as on the king's men and tenants of lands which the said John and Agnes hold as her dower, within the lordship of Bergeveny, by the king's assignment, of the inheritance of the king's ward the heir of Laurence de Hastynges, earl of Pembroke, from the time of such assignment. By K. Online Transcript
- 31 EDWARD III. PARTII. p.573 Membrane 21 cont. 1357. MEMBRANE 20.
Westminster, June 20. Whereas of late,after the assignment made by the king to Agnes late the wife of Laurencede Hastynges, late earl of Pembroke, tenant in chief, of the castle, lordshipand borough of Bergevenyand other lands in England and Wales as dower out of the earl's lands,according to the inquisitions thereof made after his death,on its beingfound by inquisition made by Richard Danseye,then escheator in the county of Hereford and the adjacent march of Wales,that the said Laurence was seised in his demesne as of fee on the dayof his death, beyond the lands already returned in the chancery, of the manors and lands of penros,Trefgayr,Hentles,Bryngwyn,Lannovor, Ebottvaur,Ebottvaghan,Tregoythel,Wernerthrek,Lanwytherin and Coytmorgan,the kingcaused the said manors of Penros, Ebottvaur and Ebottvaghan to be assigned to her as dower out ofthe said lands ; and afterwards because byanother inquisition taken by Thomas de Aston,then escheator in the county and march aforesaid, it was found that the earl in his lifetime,bycharter, granted the said manors and lands,which are parcel of the lordship Bergeveny, to Williamde Hastynges,knight,to hold with the knights' fees and advowsons to him and his heirsfor ever, that the said William was a bastard,and that he diedseised byvirtue of the said grant of the same manors, without heir of his body,the kingcaused the same manors and lands to be seized into his hands as his escheat bycolour of the grant and bastardy,and the said manors of Penros,Ebottvaur and Ebottvaghan to be delivered to Agnesto hold in dower of him as in his own right ; and now the said Agnes,mother and next of kin to the heir,offering on his behalf to prove that all things contained in the inquisition taken bythe said Richard Daneseywere true, and that no grant to the said William as supposed bythe inquisition taken byThomas de Aston was made, nor was William, at any time seised of the same manors and lands bythe deed and feoffment of the earl, and the king,for the affection which he bears the heir because he is of his blood,to remove all ambiguity in this behalf,renounces for him and his heirs for ever all right, title and claim he might have, byway of escheat bycolour of the said inquisition in the said manors and lands of Penros,Trefgayr,Henthles,Bryngwyn,Lannovor, Ebottvaur,Ebottvaghan,Tregoythel,Wernerthrek,Lanwytheryn and Coytmorgan, or in fees and advowsons or other appurtenances of the same.
Online Transcript
'Abergavenny Castle 1087-1535' by Neil Phillips. Gwent local history - 88 Spring 2000. Online Transcript
- 'A History of Bubonic Plague in the British Isles' by J. F. D. Shrewsbury
Cambridge Uni Press, 2005. Online Transcript
- CAMBRIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION investigations. Monm. Merlin S/Wales Advertiser. 18 August 1876 p.5, col 5, mid. Online Transcript
- 'Anti-recruitment riot in Abergavenny in 1706' by John Evans. Gwent local history - 97 Autumn 2004. Online Transcript
- DEATH OF THE MARQUESS OF ABERGAVENNY. Abergavenny Chronicle. 17 December 1915. p.5. Online Transcript
- 'A History of King Henry VIII's Boys Grammar School at Abergavenny' Gwent local history - 59 Autumn 1985. Online Transcript
(Neath Library). 'Marcher Lordship of S/Wales 1415-1536' I.B. Pugh.
Monmouth & Gwent History
- Fred G Levett: 'The story of Skenfrith, Grosmont and St Maugham's' 1984 (not seen)
- 'Hidden Grosmont' Steven Pickford 2002. Self Published
- The Battle of Grosmont, 1405: a reinterpretation", Gwent Local History, Number 97, Autumn 2004 (not seen)
- Register of Grosmont 1589-1812. 518:12 14/05/2014 Trans by J.A. Bradney. Mitchell Hughes Clark 1921.
- 'Survey of Duchy of Lancaster Lordship in Wales 1609-13'. Uni of Wales Press 1953 (not seen)
- 'Llanfihangel near Rogiet' by BR Stopgate. Gwent local history - 61 Autumn 1986 Online Transcript
- Facts and Fiction of Skirrid Fawr
Online Transcript
'Manor of Llanfihangel-y-gofion' by GW Gunter Gwent local history - 77 Autumn 1994 Online Transcript
- 'Magor in the 1530' by Dina Kennedy. Gwent local history - 87 Autumn 1999 Online Transcript
'A year on the land in Medieval Grosmont' by Phillip Morgan. Gwent local history - 96 Spring 2004 Online Transcript
- 'The Battle of Grosmont, 1405' by Nick Thomas Symonds. Gwent local history - 97 Autumn 2004
Online Transcript
- Bradney - History of Monmouth 1904. C.C.L., M.C.A.
- 'Monmouthshire Wills 1560-1601' Ed. Judith Jones. S/Wales Record Society 1997.
- M.N. Jackson 'Bygone Days in the Marches of Wales' St. Catherine's Press, 1926 (not seen)
- Canon E.T. Davies 'Ecclesiatical History of Monmouth' pt 1. Starsons Publications 1953 (not seen)
- 'Owain Glyn Dwr and Gwent' by Adrian Howell. Gwent local history - 95 Autumn 2003 Online Transcript
'A history of the Welsh language in Gwent' by Alan Roderick. Gwent local history - 50 Spring 1981 Online Transcript
- 'A view of the county, c.1850' by G.W.J. Lovering. Gwent local history - 79 Autumn 1995 Online Transcript
'seventeenth-century Monmouthshire' by GWJ Lovering. Gwent local history - 73 Autumn 1992 Online Transcript
- Alfred Jackson papers, Gwent Archives Online Transcript
- 'Wales as a culture region 1750-1971' by W.T.R. Pryce. Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion 1978.
Online Transcript
- 'Wales as a culture region : patterns of change 1750-1971' by W.T.R. Pryce. Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion - 1978 1978 Online Transcript
- Ian Soulsby 'Towns of Mediaveal Wales'. Phillimore 1983. (not seen)
Advowson of Llanvetherine Church
- Attached Parishes: Llangattock Lingoed (also Gellenig or Clennick), Llantilio Portholey, Llanddewi, Grosmont, Llantilio Crosseny
Llanthewy Rytherch, Llanthewy Skirrid, Llanvapley, Llanvihangel Crucorney.
- Rectors of Llanvetherine -
Roman Catholic Period.
1291, Ecclia de Lanwetheryn £6 unbenificed 'Taxatio ecclesiastica'.
1332, William Wroth (Crown).
1350, David ap Howel ap David (Crown).
1351, Thomas de Bretteby, Landogh, Llandaff (Crown).
1352, Peter de Eycall. of Topclef on Swale, York.
1354, William le Spenser Shirbourn, York.
1384, John atte Lee of St. Mary Magdalene, Baldok, Lincoln (Crown).
Jan 18 1386, William Tekyn (Crown).
May 18 1386, John atte Lee (Crown).
1388, Richard Ulkerthorpe of St. Mary's,Tremeleyu, Norwich (Crown).
1406, Lewis Stalward (Crown).
- Vicars of Llanvetherine - Benefice of Llandaff.
1540, Sir Hugh ap Howell, Gelli.
1560, William Jenkin, London
1563, Edmund James.
1600, David Powell ap James, Pantglas.
1621, Powell, Valentine, son of previous.
1649, Owen Morgan, Puritan.
1660, Roberts, Richard. Talyllyn, Anglesea.
1665, Robert Watt
28 May 1670, James, Lewis, Abergavenny.
1681, Jones, Edward.
1711, Topping, Henry, Chester.
1713, Bradshaw, William, Abergavenny.
1718, Lewis, Thomas. Llantillio Pertholey.
17654 Day, John, Rector.
1761, Walter, Nevill, Appt of Badesley, Hants.
1763, £17.17.8 Kings Books Rerum Ecclesiasticarum.
1763, Lewis, (Curate).
1763, Walter, Nevill.
1765, Farhill , George Parker.
1769, Poole, Henry, Rector, Llanvihangel co. Merioneth.
1771, William Watkins, Gelli.
1785, Grundon, William Smelt.
1804, Williams, John, (Curate).
1815, Thomas, John, (Curate).
1826, Steel, Francis Chambre, (Curate).
1832, Grundon, William Smelt.
1833, Gardiner, Frederick, Yardley Hastings, Northants.
1833, Steel, Francis Chambre. (Curate).
1833, Grundon , William Smelt.
1841, Gardiner, F MA.
1845, Francis Chambre Steel, Abergavenny.
1863, Rev R. Johns
1876, William Pinney.
1904, Rev. George F. Packer.
1917, Rev Morgan Gilbert.
1918, Rev Aubrey Baile.
1919, Rev George Griffiths.
1980, Rev Hewlett.
1992-97, Rev Clive Hawes.
2008, Rev David Osbourne.
2014, Revd. Canon David Osborn.
- MEMBRANE 8.6 EDWARD III.PART iii. p.373. 1332. Knaresborough.
Nov. 26. Presentation of William Wroth to the church of Lanwytheryn,
diocese of LlandafF, in the king's gift, by reason of his custody of the land
and heir of John de Hastynges, tenant in chief of the late king.
Online Transcript
- 58 1351. Membrane 20 cont. Edward III, vol. 9, p. 58 Westminster.
March 20. Presentation of Thomas de Bretteby, parson of the church of Landogh,
in the diocese of Llandaff, to the church of Lanwytheryn, in the same
diocese, in the king's gift by reason of the keeping of the lands and heir of
Laurence de Hastynges, earl of Pembroke, tenant in chief, being in his
hands; on an exchange of benefices with David ap Howel ap David.
Online Transcript
- Mem 4 cont. Edward III vol.9. 1352.Jan. 4.
Westminster Presentation of Peter de Eycall, vicar of the church of Topclef on Swal
in the diocese of York, to the church of Lanwytheren, in the dioce*
of Llandaff, in the king's gift by reason of the keeping of the lands and he
of Laurence de Hastynges, earl of Pembroke, tenant in chief, being in
his hands; on an exchange of benefices with Thomas de Brembre.
Online Transcript
- Edward III PART II.1354. Membrane 11.con. p.97
Aug. 20. Westminster Presentation of William le Spenser, vicar of the church of Shirbourn,
in the diocese of York, to the church of Lanwitheryn, in the diocese
of Llandaff, on an exchange of benefices with Thomas de Britteby.
Online Transcript
- 1351. p. 58.Edward III, vol. 10, Membrane 20 cont. Westminster. March 20. Presentation of Thomas de Bretteby, parson of the church of Landogh, in the diocese of Llandaff, to the church of Lanwytheryn, in the same
diocese, in the king's gift by reason of the keeping of the lands and heir of Laurence de Hastynges, earl of Pembroke, tenant in chief, being in his
hands; on an exchange of benefices with David ap Howel ap David.
Online Transcript
- 8 RICHARD II. PART I. p.443 Mem 15 1384,. Membrane34 cont.
July16. Westminster. Presentation of John atte Lee, warden of the hospital of St. Mary .Magdalene,Baldok,in the diocese of Lincoln, to the church of Lanwitheryn,
in the diocese of Llandaff,in the king's gift byreason of his custody of the land and heir of John de Hastynges, late earl of Pembroke; on an exchange with Walter Totyngton
Online Transcript
- 8 RICHARD II. PART I. p.473 1384
Nov. 9. Westminster, Presentation of John de Cressenny to the church of Lanwetheryn, in the
diocese of Llandaff,in the king's gift byreason of his custody of the land and heir of John
de Hastynges earl of Pembroke, tenant in chief.Online Transcript
- MEMBRANE 10. Nov. 26. Westminster 8 RICHARD II. PART I. p.481. 1384.
Revocation of the presentation, dated 9 November, of John de Cressenny , to the church of Lanwitheryn in the diocese of Llandaff,provided it was
not then void and he has not been instituted therein,the king having by letters patent, dated 16 July, presented John atte Lee,warden of the
hospital of St. MaryMngdalene, Baldok, in the diocese of Lincoln,10 that church, in his gift byreason of his custody of the land and heir of John de
Hastyngos,late earl of Pembroke,tenant in chief, on an exchange of beneticcs with Walter Totyngton.
Online Transcript
- 9 RICHARDII. PART II. p.159. 1386. MEMBBANE4. May 18. Westminster. Presentation of John atte Lee to the church of Landwytherynin the diocese of Llandaff, in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the land
and heir of John do Hastynges,late earl of Pembroke;directed to the keeper of the spirituality, the see being vacant.Online Transcript
- 10 RICHARD II PART 1. p.251 Membrane 2 cont 1386. Jan. 18 Westminster. Presentation of William Tyken to the church of Lanwitherin in the diocese of Llandaff,void by the resignation of John atte Lee, and in
the king's gift by reason of his custody of the land and heir of John de Hastynges,earl of Pembroke, tenant in chief.
Online Transcript
- 1388 Feb.13. Membrane 35 cont. 11 RICHARDII. PARTII. p.403 Westminster.
Presentation of Richard Ulkerthorpe, parson of St. Mary's,Tremeleyu,. Jn the diocese of Norwich,to the church of Lanwytheryn, in
of Llandaff,in the king's gift byreason of his custody of the land and heir of John de Hastynges,earl of Pembroke,tenant in chief; on an exchange with William Tekyn
Online Transcript
- 1406. Westminster. Membrane 19 cont. 8 HENRY IV. PART 1. p. 277 Westminster,
Dec. 10. Pardon to Lewis Stalward,parson of the church of Lanwytheryn, for
all treasons, insurrections and felonies committed byhim in Wales or the
marches except murder, rape and common larceny. Byp.S. Online Transcript
Periodical Sources
- Powell, David rector of Llanvetherine c.1600.
Online Transcript Journal of Welsh religious history - Vol. 2 1994 The diocese of Llandaff in 1563. Oxonia Aluminensis: MA. s. of Howel ap James, Pantglas. Rector of Merthyr Tydfil. d.1621.
- Powell, Valentine of co. Monmouth, cler. fil. Jesus Coll., matric. 3 May, 1616, aged 16; B.A. 9 Feb., 1617-18, M.A. 6 July, 1620, rector of Llanvetherine alias Llanveryn, co. Monmouth, 1621. See Foster's Index Eccl.
Online Transcript Alumni Oxonienses 1500-1714
- Roberts, Richard s. Robert, of Talyllyn, co. Anglesea, pleb. Gloucester Hall, matric. 18 March, 1641-2, aged 15; B.A. from Christ Church 17 March, 1645-6; and perhaps M.A. 14 July, 1668; one of these names rector of Llanvetherine, co. Monmouth, 1660. See Foster's Index Eccl. [40] Online Transcript Alumni Oxonienses 1500-1714
- I: 264 Bradney. Pedigree of the family of Powell of Pant-glas, Llanvetherine: Jane, married John Prichard of the Kelli in Llangattock Lingoed. She died 2 June 1660, aged 66. M.I.
Llangattock Lingoed: In memory of JANE, ye wife of JOHN PRICHARD of Kellye, Gent., Daughter of DAVID POWELL, Vicar of Lanvetherin & Rector of Mertheer Tidvil in ye County of Glamorgan, B.D-, Died June ye 2d, 1660, Aged 66.
National Library of Wales
- N.L.W. LL/P/938. Title James, L. Arrangement File.
Summary Benefice: Llanvetherine. Documents: Bond to secure Bishop unharmed. 1670.
James, Edward of Llanvetherine, co. Monmouth, pleb. in Mat. Reg. (subs. "cler.") Jesus Coll., matric. 27 April, 1683, aged 19; B.A. 18 Jan., 1686-7, vicar of Llantillio-Pertholey, co. Monmouth, 1689, and of Abergavenny, 1700, rector of Mitcheltroy 1715; his father Lewis was instituted to the rectory of Llanvetherine 28 May, 1670. See Foster's Index Eccl.
Online Transcript
- N.L.W. LL/P/1022. Title Jones, Edward. Arrangement File.
Summary Benefice: Llanvetherine. Documents: Deed of presentation to a benefice (rectory, vicarage), B. 1681.
- N.L.W. LL/P/2156. Title Topping, H.
Summary Benefice: Llanvetherine. Documents: Deed of presentation to a benefice (rectory, vicarage), Bond to secure Bishop unharmed. 1711/12.
Topping, Henry s. Thomas, of Chester (city), p.p. Christ Church, matric. 1 June, 1704, aged 20, B.A. 1708; M.A. from St. John's Coll., Cambridge, 1712; rector of Llanvetherine, co. Monmouth, 1712, chaplain to the bishop of Lincoln, and after to the bishop of London, and morning preacher St. Paul's, Covent Garden, vicar of East Ham, Essex, 1716, and of Hemel Hempstead, Herts, 1722; rector of Nursling, Hants, 1727-33. See Rawl. iii. 107, and xxi. 157; & Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus. Online Transcript
- N.L.W. LL/P/120. Title Bradshaw, W.
Summary Benefice: Llanvetherine. Documents: Deed of presentation to a benefice (rectory, vicarage), B. 1713/14.
- N.L.W. LL/P/1268. Title Lewis, Thomas.
Summary Benefice: Llanvetherine. Documents: Deed of presentation to a benefice (rectory, vicarage), B. 1718.
Lewis, Thomas s. J., of Llantillio Pertholey, co. Monmouth, pleb. Jesus Coll., matric. 14 June, 1692, aged 14; B.A. 1695, rector of Goytrey 1698, of Llanvihangel Rogiet 1705, and of Llanvetherine (all co. Monmouth), 1718. See Foster's Index Ecclesiasticus. Online Transcript
- N.L.W. LL/P/1621. Title Poole, Henry. Arrangement File.
Summary Benefice: Llanvetherine. Documents: Deed of presentation to a benefice (rectory, vicarage). 1769.
Periodical Sources
The Clergy List for 1841. C Cox. Online Transcript
- Religious Census of 1851 Vol 1. S/Wales ed. Ievan Gwynedd Jones. David Williams. Uni of Wales Press 1976.
Llanvetherine 1851. p.41 Endowed tithe of £296. Glebe £60. Morning 63, 22 scholars. In the gift of Earl of Abergavenny. Tithes commuted for £300. glebe 51 1/2 acres. 2 services in English.
- FAMILY NOTICES marriage Thomas to Lewis. Illustrated Usk Observer and Raglan Herald. 17 Oct 1863 p.8, col 1, top Online Transcript
Rev George Packer, HOLY TRINITY'S NEW VICAR. Cambrian. 3 November 1905. p.3, col 4, bot. Online Transcript
- LLANVETHERINE RECTORY Auction. Abergavenny Chronicle. 26 October 1917 p.4, col 1, topOnline Transcript
- LLANVETHERINE BENEFICES EXCHANGED Aubrey Baille, George Griffiths. Abergavenny Chronicle. 4 July 1919. p.5, col 5, midbot.Online Transcript
- Church Times 2006. Online Transcript
Online, Book & Other
- Clergy of the Church of England Database, 1621-1833. Online Transcript
- 'Clergy of the Ancient Parishes of Gwent' by Evans JD 1991. Archangel Press. Swansea Libraries
- Online Transcript Llanvetherine Church Group
- 'Lapidarium Walliae: The Early Inscribed and Sculptured Stones of Wales'. J.G. Westwood. 1879. p.235. Online Transcript
- 'The lives of the British Saints' by S. Baring-Gould and Hign Fisher.
1907 by For the honourable Society of Cymmrodorion by C.J. Clark in London. Online Transcript
Ecclesiastical Surveys of Llanvetherine Church
- 1254 'The Valuation of Norwich' ed. W.E. Lunt (1926). Linwerthin 1254.
Taxatio ecclesiastica Angliae et Walliae, auctoritate P. Nicholai IV 1291 Online Transcript
- 'Notes on churches in the Diocese of Llandaff' By C.A.H. Green.
Published 1906 by T.E. Smith. Online Transcript
- 'Calendar of Ancient Petitions' W.Rees 1975. p.267 7948 - Ecclesiade Lanwytheryn
- NM 416 5159 Newport Collections of MS - M.R.O.
- 'Liber Landavensis' ed.William Jenkins Rees. Welsh MSS Society. 1840 Online Transcript
- Society of Antiquaries of London. Histories of eighteen parishes SAL/MS/115 1755-1758
Paper; ff. ii + 82. 1755-8. James Theobald, Llanvetherine, Monm., fols. 70-3
Llyfr Teilo - Black book of llandaff. Trans by William Jenkins Rees Publisher: Welsh MSS Society. Year: 1840 Online Transcript
Notes on churches in the Diocese of Llandaff. By C.A.H. Green.
Published 1906 by T.E. Smith in Aberdare . p.145Online Transcript
Sketch of David Powell, Rec. Llanvetherine c.1580 Online Transcript
'Clergy of Old Gwent Parishes' by J.Daryll Evans. Gwent local history - 71 Summer 1991 Online Transcript
Archangel Press. ISBN 13: 9780951049846. Swansea Abergavenny Library
Patrons, parishes and appropriations in the deanery of Abergavenny in the early-sixteenth century. National Library of Wales journal - Cyf. 22, rh. 1 Haf 1981
Online Transcript
Persecution of Papists - Roman Catholics
- N.L.W. manuscript - Joseph Herbert Canning Manuscripts, MS 12.
Notebook containing extracts from forfeited estate papers at the Public Record Office. The introduction (Latin) describes the papers as a register and record of names, lands and holdings of papists in the county of Monmouth, compiled from information given at the Quarter Sessions in 1717. The 'Abstract of the Register of Popish Recusants and Papists' ... Mary Gunter; Catherine Gunter; William Hughes; Mary Powell; Bridget Powell; Catherine Powell; Winifred Powell; Anne Powell; Henry Williams;
- N.L.W. Herbert of Cherbury Manuscripts E6/1/86.
List of Popish priests and Jesuits, those that keep them, and chapels in Monmouthshire, [c.1675].
- N.L.W. Joseph Herbert Canning.
MS 6. Extracts from parish registers &c. p. 58 Llanvetherine, 169(?)-1802;
MS 9.Title Persecution of Catholics
MS 10.Title Persecution of Catholics
MS 11.: Persecution of Catholics &c, [c.1923]
MS 13.: Catholic memorial inscriptions, 1921, Aug.
- David Lewis, Martyr Welsh Martyr Blog
N.L.W. Biog
- Gunters of Abergavenny Online Transcript Welsh Martyr Blog
- Morgan Lewis head of Aberg. Grammar School. Son David Lewis ed. there, b.1616 m. Margaret Pritchard maternal uncle John Pritchard rc father, Rome ordained 1642, turned Jesuit, moved to Cwm Llanrothal, St Francis Xavier mission. Known as Tad y Tlodion. General feeling of ill will to executioners.
- Gunter Mansion Picture Online Transcript Peoples Collection wales
- Pedigree of the Family of Gunter of Abergavenny and of London GW Gunter. Gwent local history - 69 Autumn 1990 Online Transcript
- Gwent local history - 86 Spring 1999 Catholic records in the attic : Gunter family of Abergavenny Richard Allen Online Transcript
- N.L.W. MS 11420E. Notes on Gunter papers, &c., 1902, 1908 / John Davies and others.
- John Arnold, Llanvihangel Court Online Transcript Wikipedia
- 'Llanvihangel Court' Printed by R.H. Johns Ltd, 22 Mill Parade Newport c.1960
- 'St. Michael in Gwent' Gwent local history - 70 Spring 1991 Online Transcript
- Dissenting communities in Monmouthshire 1639-1715. Gwent local history - 93 Autumn 2002 Online Transcript
- 'The last days of the chantries and shrines of Monmouthshire' by Madeleine GrayThe Journal of Welsh Ecclesiastical History - Vol. 8 1991 Online Transcript
- 'The pilgrimage to St Michael's Mount' by Michael R Lewis. The Journal of Welsh Ecclesiastical History - Vol. 8 1991 Online Transcript
- Online Transcript The Journal of Welsh Ecclesiastical History - Vol. 2 1985 Catholicism in Wales in the eighteenth century' by Daniel J Mullins
Researched, Compiled, Edited & Published Online for by James M Burton @ 2014