*** BARLEY ***
"Rich lees of Wheat. Rye, Barley, Vetches, Oats & Peas." Tempest iv, 1, 61.
*** BEANS ***
"Peas & beans are as dank here as a dog." 1, Hen IV ii, 1, 9.
* * * CABBAGE * * *
"Good wort, good cabbage." Mer Wives i, 1, 124.
*** CORN ***
"No use of metal, corn, wine, or oil." Tempest, ii, 1, 153.
*** FLAX ***
"What a hodge pudding, a bag of flax." Mer Wives v, 5, 159
*** GARLIC ***
"Though she smelt brown bread and garlic." Meas For Meas iii, 2, 195. *** HEMP ***
"Let gallows gape for dog, let man go free, & let not hemp his wind pipe suffocate."
*** LEEK ***
"His eyes as green as Leeks." M.N. Dream v, 1, 342. *** MUSTARD SEED ***
"Pease blossom! Cobwebs! Moth and mustard seed." M. N. Dream, iii, 1, 165.
*** OATS ***
"Riche leas of Wheat... Oats." Tempest iv. 1 ,61.
*** PEAS ***
"Riche leas of Wheat, Rye, Barley, Vetches, Oats & Pease."
"I have not forgotten what the inside of a church is made of, I am am a Peppercorn." 1, Hen. IV. iii, 3, 9. *** POTATOES ***
"Let the sky rain potatoes." Mer. Wives, v. 5, 21 * * * RHUBARB * * *
"What rhubarb cyme, or what purgative drug would scour these English hence?" Macbeth. v, 3, 55.
*** RICE ***
"What would this sister of mine do with rice?" W. Tale, iv, 3, 42. *** RYE ***
"Thy rich leas of Wheat, rye. Barley, vetches. Oats." Tempest, iv, 1, 61. *** SALLET ***
"I climbed into his garden to see if I en eat grass or pick a Sal let." 2, Hen VI, iv, 10, 8. *** TURNIP ***
"Alas I had rather be set quick in the earth and bowl'd to death with Turnips." Mer Wives, iii, 4, 92
*** WHEAT ***
"Sow the Headland with Wheat! Red wheat!" 2, Hen. IV, vi. 17.
*** VETCHES ***
"Rich lease of Wheat..Vetches." Tempest iv,1.61
"A dench for sur-reined jades, their barley broth." Hen. V. iii, 5, 19.
"Our corns to reap, for yet our tithes to sow." Me For Me . iv, 1, 76 .
"He weeds the corn and still lets grow the weeding." L.L.Lost. i, 1, 96.
"Sow'd cockle, reap no corn, and justice always whirls in equal measure." L.L.Lost. iv, 3, 383
"Playing on pipes of corn and versing love." M.N.Dream, ii, 1, 67.
"The green corn hath rotted yet this youth attained a beard." M.N.Dream, ii, 1, 94.
"Our sighs, and they shall lodge the summer corn." Rich. II. iii, 3, 162.
"We shall be winnow1d with so rough a wind that even our corn shall seem as light as chaff." 2, Hen. IV. iv, 1, 195.
"Talk like the vulgar sort of market men that come to gather money for ther corn." 1, Hen. VI. iii, 2, 5.
"Good morrow gallants! Want ye corn for bread?" 1, Hen. VI. iii, 2. 41.
"And make the curse the harvest of that corn." 1. Hen. VI. iii, 2. 47.
"Like over rippened corn, hanging the head." 2. Hen. VI. i, 2, 1.
"Like the summers corn by Tempest lodged." 2. Hen. VI. iii, 2, 176.
"What valiant foemen, like to autumns corn." 3. Hen. VI. v, 7, 3.
"Throughly to be winnowd, where my chaff and corn shall fly asunder." Hen. VII. v, 1, 111.
"Her foes shake like a field of beaten corn." Hen. VIII. v, 5, 32.
"Let us kill him and have corn at our own price." Coriolanus. i, 1, 11.
"Whats their seeking? For corn at their own rates." Coriolanus. i, 1, 193.
"That the Gods sent Corn for the rich men only." Coriolanus. i, 1, 212.
"The Volsces have much corn." Coriolanus. i,1,253.
"For once we stood up about the corn." Coriolanus. ii, 3, 17.
"Of late when corn was given tnem gratis you repined." Coriolanus. Hi, 1, 43.
"Tell me of corn! This was my speech." Corilanus. iii.l, 61.
"To give forth the corn o' the storehouse gratis." Coriolanus. iii, 1, 114.
"They know the corn was not our recompense." Coriolanus. iii, 1, 120.
"This kind of service did not deserve corn gratis." Coriolanus. iii, 1, 125.
"First thrash the corn then after burn the straw." T. Andron. ii, 3, 123.
"How to knit this scattered corn into one mutual sheaf." T. Andron. v, 3, 71.
"Ladies that have their toes unplauged with corn." Rom. & Ju1. i, 5, 19.
"Though bladed corn be lodged, and trees blown down." Macbeth. iv. 1, 55.
"Shall of a corn cry woe, and turn his sleep to wake." Lear, iii, 2, 33.
"Sleepest or wakest thou, jolly sheperd? Thy sheep be in the corn." Lear, iii, 6, 44.
"Darnel and all the idle weeds that grow in our sustaining corn." Lear, iv, 4, 6.
"With corn to make your needy bread." Pericles, i, 4, 95
"Your grace that fed my country with your corn." Pericles, iii, 3, 18.
"Excellent it hangs like flax on a distaff." T. Night i, 3, 108.
"And beauty that the tyrant oft reclaims shall to my flaming wrath be oil and flax." 2 Hen VI. v, 2. 55
"111 fetch some flax and whites of eggs to apply to his bleeding face." Lear iii, 7, 106.
"Eat no onions nor garlic, for we are to utter sweet breath." M.N. Dream iv, 2, 43.
"Mops a must be your mistress marny garlic to mend her kissing with." W. Tale iv, 4. 162.
"I had rather live with cheese & garlic in a windmill." Hen IV, iii, 1, 162.
"Do, do thou rouge, do thou hemp seed." 2, Hen IV, ii, 1, 64.
"I'll knock his leek about his pate upon St. Davids day." Hen V, iv, 1, 54.
"The Welshmen did good service in a garden where leeks did grow, wearing leeks in their Monmouth caps." Hen V. iv, 7, 103.
"I believe your Majesty takes no scorn to wear the Leek upon St. Tavy's day."
"But why wear your Leek to-day? St. Davy's day is past." Hen V, v, 1. 2.
"And prings me pread and salt yesterday, look you and bid me eat my leek." Hen V. v, I, 10.
"Hence I am qualmish at the smell of leek." Hen V, v, 1, 22.
"Eat. look you, this leek, because look you, you do not love it." Hen V, v, 1, 25.
"I pray you, fall to, if you can mock a leek, you can eat a Leek." Hen V, v, 1, 39.
"I will make him eat some part of my Leek, or I will peat his pate." Four Day v, 1, 43.
"By this leek I will most horribly revenge."
"Have some more sauce to your leek? - There is not enough leek to swear by." Henru V. v, 1, 58.
"When you take occassions to see Leeks hereafter I pray you, mock at 'em." Hen V. v, 1, 58.* #
"This fellow pecks up wit as Pigeons pease." L.L.Lost. v, 2. 315.
"I had rather have a handful 1 of two dried peas." M.N. Dream, iv, 1, 42.
"Peas & Beans are as dank here as a dog." 1, Hen. IV. ii, 1, 9.
"How the deveil luxury, with his fat rump & potato finger, tickles these together!" Trois. & Ores, v, 2, 56.
"Between the acres of the rye, with a hey and a ho." A.Y.L.It, v, 3, 23.
"Make holiday, your rye straw hats put on." Tempest, iv, 1, 136.
"Rich lease of Wheat, Rye, Barley." Tempest, iv, 1, 61.