*** BILBERRY ***
"There punch the maids as blue as Bilberry." Mer. Wives Of Wind, v, 5, 49. *** BLACKBERRY & Brambles ***
"If reasons were as plentiful! as blackberries." 1, Hen. IV. ii, 4, 265. *** DEWBERRIES ***
"Feed him with apricots and dewberries." M.N. Dream iii, 1. 169.
"Are not worth a Goosberry." 2 Hen IV. i. 2, 196
*** GRAPES ***
"T'was in the bunch of grapes where indeed you have a delight to sit. have you not." T. G. Of Ver. ii . 1. 133.
"Vines with clustering bunches growing." Tempest iv, 1, 112. *** STRAWBERRY ***
"The strawberries grow under the nettle." Hen V. i, 1, 60.
"Hangs odes, upon how thorns and elegies on brambles. A. Y. L. It. iii, 2, 380.
"Against the blown rose may they stop their noses that knell'd unto the buds." Ant.& Cl. iii,13.19
"Feed him with apricocks dewberries and purple grapes." M.N. Dream iii, 1, 170.
"When he had a desire to eat a grape would open his lips when he put it into his mouth, meaning therby that grapes were made to eat." A. Y. L. It v, 1. 37.
"0, will you't eat no grapes my royal fox, Yess but you will my noble grapes, and if my royal fox could reach them." Alls Well ii. 1, 73.
"Theres one grape yet. I am sure my Fathers drunk wine." Alls Well ii, 3, 105.
"The tartness of his face sours grapes." Coriolanus v, 4, 18.
"Go suck the subtle blood of the grape, till the high fever see the your blood to froth and so scape hanging." T. of Athens iv, 3, 432.
"The wine she drinks is made of grapes." Othello, ii, 1, 257.
"With thy grapes our hairs be crowned." Ant & Cleo ii. 7, 123.
"Now, no more juice of grape shall moist his lips." Ant & Cleo v. 2, 285.
"Purple grapes, green figs and Mulberries." M.N.Dream, iii, 1, 170.
"Thou art an elm, my husband, I am a vine." Com Of Err. ii, 2, 176.
"Her vine the merry cheerer of the heart unpruned dies." Hen V. v, 2, 41.
"Like a withered vine that droops his sapless branches." 1, Hen. VI. ii, 5, 11.
"Bourn, brand of land, tilth, vineyard, none." Tempest ii, 1. 157.
"Thy pale clpt vineyard, and thy sea marge, sterile and rocky hard." Tempest iv, 1, 68.
"With a vineyard back'd and to that vineyard is a planched gate." Meas For Meas. iv, 1, 29.
"Let us quit all and give our vineyards to a barbarous people." Hen VI, iii, 5, 4.
"Our vineyards, fallows, meads and hedges, defective in their natures grow to wildness." Hen. V. v, 2, 54.
"That spoild your summer fields and fruitful 1 vines." Richarsd III, v, 2, 8.
"Every man shall eat i safety, under his own vine." Hen. VIII. v, 5, 35.
"Peace, plenty love, shall then be this, and like a vine grow to him." Hen. VIII, v, 5, 50.
"Dry up thy marrows, vines and plough torn leas." T. Of Athens, iv, 3, 193.
"To those young love, the vines of France and milk of Burgundy strive to be interess'd." Lear. i. 1, 86.
"Thou monarch of the vine, plumpy bachus with Pink eyne." A6 C ii, 7, 120.
"Grow patience! And let the stinking elder, grief untrue, his perishing root with the increasing vine." Cymbeline iv, 2. 60.
"I saw good strawberry in your garden." Richard 111. iii, 4, 34.
"I have sent for these strawberries." Richard III, iii, 4, 49.
"A handkerchief spotted with strawberries." Othello, iii, 3, 435.