*** ANGELICA ***
"Look to the baked meats, good Angelica." Rom & Jul iv, 4, 5.
*** CARAWAY ***
"Eat a last years Pippin, of my own grafting with a dish of Caraway." 2, Hen IV.
*** CLOVES ***
"A gilt nutmeg, a lemon, stuck with cloves."
*** FENNEL ***
The Knight Poins likes Fennel & Conger. 2. Hen VI
*** GINGER ***
"Hes of the colour of the Nutmeg and of the neat of the Ginger." Hen V. iii, 7, 20.
*** LAVENDER ***
"Heres flowers for you. hot lavender, mints." W. Tale, iv, 4. 1.
*** MACE ***
"Mace, dates'? None that out of my note : nutmegs seven." W. Tale, iv, 3, 50.
*** MAJORAM ***
"Hot lavender, mints, savory, majoram." W. Tale, iv, 4, 104. *** MINT ***
"Heres flowers for you, hot lavender, mints." W. Tale, iv, 4. 1.
*** NUTMEG ***
"Give Hector a gift, a gilt nutmeg, a lemon." L.L.Lost. v, 2. 652. *** PARSLEY ***
'A wench married in an afternoon, as she went to the garden for parsley to stuff a rabbit." Tame. Of Shrew.
*** ROSEMARY ***
"Doth not Rosemary and Romeo begin both with a letter." Rom. & Jul . ii, 4, 219. *** SAGE ***
"We'll whisper o'er a couplet or two of most sage saws." T. Night, iii, 4, 413.
"Give the word. - Sweet Majoram.- Pass, I know that voice." Lear, iv, 6, 94.
"Mace, dates? None, that out of my note: nutmegs seven." W. Tale iv, 3, 50.
He's of the colour of the nutmeg and of the neat of the ginger." Hen V. iii, 7. 20.
"She hath the prettiest sentenious of it, of you, & Rosemary." Rom. & Jul . ii, 4, 226.
"Dry UP your tears and stick rosemary on this fair corse." Rom. & Jul. iv, 5, 79.
"Theres Rosemary, thats for rememberance." Hamlet, iv, 5, 175.
"Strike in their numbered and mortified bare arms, pins, wooden pricks, nails, sprigs of Rosemary." Lear. ii. 3, 16.
"Mary come up, my dish of Chastity with Rosemary & Bays!" Pericles, iv, 6. 160.
"Here in this place I'll set a bank of Rue, sour herbs to grace." Richard III. iii, 4, 103.
"For you reverend theres Rosemary & Rue . " W. Tale iv, 4, 74.
"Hot Lavender, mints, savory, majoram." W. Tale, iv, 4, 104.