
*** APPLE ***

"He will carry this island home in his pocket & give it. his son for an apple." Tempest, ii.1,91.
"And laugh upon the apple of her eye.'" L.L.Lost. v. 2, 475.
"Hit with Cupids archery, sink in apple of his eye." M.N. Dream, iii, 2, 104.
"Like a villain with a smiling cheek, a godly apple rotten at the heart." Mer. Ven. i, 3, 102,
"Faith as you say, theres small choice in rotten apples." T. Of. Shrew, i, 1, 139.
"Somewhat doth resemble you - as much as a apple doth an oyster." T. of Shrew, iv, 2. 101.
"Or a codling when tis almost an apple." T. Night, i, 5, 167.
"An apple cleft in two is not more twin than these two creatures." T. Night, v, i, 230.
"Have their heads crushed like rotten apples." Hen. V. iii, 7, 155.V
"You this that thunder at a playhouse, and fight for bitten apples." Hen. VIII. v, 4. 64.
"Tough she is as like this as a crabs, like an apple, yet I can tell." Lear, i, 5, 16.


"I am withered like an apple John."1. Hen. IV. ii, 3, 5.
"As thou knowest Sir John cannot endure an apple John." 2, Hen IV ii, 4. 2.
"The prince once set a dish of apple Johns before him and told him there were five more Sir. Johns." 2. Hen. IV. ii, 4, 5.

*** APPLE TART ***

"What, up &. down, carved like an apple tart?" T. Of Shrew, iv, 3, 89.


"Pippin of my own grafting, with a dish of Caraways." 2, Henry IV, iv, 5, 162.
"We will eat a last years Pippin of my own grafting." 2, Hen. IV, v, 3, 1.

*** APRICOT ***

"Feed him with apricots & dewberries." M.N. Dream iii, 1. 169.
"Feed him with apricocks, dewberries and purple grapes." M.N. Dream iii. 1, 170.

*** ASH ***

"That body, where against my grained ash an 100 times hath broke, and scarred the moon with splinters." Coriolanus. iv, 5, 114.

*** ASPEN ***

"Aspen Do I? Yea in very truth do I, an 'twere an aspen leaf." 2, Hen IV, ii, 4, 117.
"See those lily hands tremble like aspen leaves upon a lute." T. Andron, ii, 4, 45.

*** BAY TREE ***

"The bay tree in our countrie are all withered." Richard II. ii, 4, 8..

*** BIRCH ***

"As fond fathers having bound up the threatning twigs of birch, only to'stick it in their child-rens sight. Meas. For Meas. 1, 3, 24.

*** CEDAR ***

"And by the spurs plucked up the Pine & Cedar." Tempest, v, 1, 48.
"As upright as the Cedar." L.L. Lost, iv, 3, 89.
"Ill wear aloft my burgonet, as on a mountain top, the Cedar shows." 2, Hen. VI. v, 1, 205.
"Thus yields the Cedar to the axes edge." 3. Hen. VI. v, 2, 11.
"Our aery buildeth in the Cedars top &. daiies with the wind." Richard III. i, 3, 264.
"Like a mountain Cedar, reach his branches to all the plains." Hen. VIII. v. 5. 54.
"Let the mutinous winds strike the proud Cedars against the fiery sun." Corialanus. v. 3, 60.
"We are but shrubs, no Cedars we." T. Andron. iv, 3, 45."When from a stately Cedar shall be lopped shall after revive." Cymbeline v, 4, 141.
"The lofty Cedar royal Cymbeline personates thee Cymbeline. v, 5, 453.
"For many years thought dead are now revived, to the majetic Cedar joined." Cymbeline. v. 5, 457

*** CHERRIES ***

"0! how ripe in show thy lips, those kissing cherries." M.N. Dream, iii, 2, 140.
"We grew together, like a double Cherry, seeming parted." M.N.Dream, iii. 2, 209.
"The cherry nose. These yellow cowslips cheeks." M.N. Dream, v, 1, 338.
"Give grandam Kingdom, and It grandam will give It a plum, a cherry, a fig, theres a good grandson." K. John. ii. 1, 162.
"A drop of blood, a pin, a nut, a Cherry Stone." Com of Err. iv, 3, 74.


"And a noble stock was graft with crab tree slip." 2, Hen. vi, iii, 2, 214.
"Fetch me a dozen crab tree staves, & strong ones." Hen. VIII. v, 4. 8.
"We have some old. crab trees here at home." Coriolanus. ii, 1. 205.
"Tough she is as like this as crabs, like an apple, yet I can tell." Lear. I 5, 16.

*** CYPRESS ***

"In Cypress chest, my arras counterpoints." T Of Shrew, ii, 1, 353.
"Come away, come away, death and in sad Cypress let me be laid." T. Night ii, 4, 53.
"A Cypress, not a bosom hideth my heart." T. Night, iii, 1, 732.
"Their sweetest shade a grove of Cypress trees." 2, Hen. VII. iii, 2, 323.
"I am attended at the Cypress grove." Coriolanus. i, 10, 30.

*** DATES ***

"Mace, Dates? None, that out of my note : nutmegs seven." W. Tale iv, 3, 50.
"They call fore dates & quinces in the pastry." Rom & Jul. iv, 4, 2.

*** EBONY ***

"By heavens thy love is as black as Ebony is Ebony like her ? 0! Wood divine."
"The clearstone towards the SN are as lustrous as Ebony." T. Night, iv, 2, 42.

*** FIG ***

"Give grandam Kingdom, and it grandam will give it a plum, a cherry and a fig." K..John ii. 1, 162

*** HOLLY ***

"Heigh ho, sing heigh hoi Unto the green Holly." A.Y.L.I.T. ii, 7, 180.

*** HAWTHORN ***

"Hangs odes upon Hawthorns and elegies on brambles." A.Y.L.I, iii, 2, 380.
"Like a many of these lisping Hawthorn buds." Mer Wives, iii, 3, 77.
"When Wheat is green, when Hawthorn buds appear." M.N. Dream, i, 1. 185.
"Gives not the Hawthorn bush a sweeter shade to Sheperds looking on their silly sheep." 3 Hen VI, ii. 5, 42.

*** HAZEL ***

"As brown in hue as Hazel nuts, and sweeter." T. Of Shrew ii, 1. 257.
"Her chariot is an empty Hazel nut." Rom & Jul. i, 4, 67.
"Like the Hazel twig is straight & slender." T. Of Shrew, ii, I, 255.

*** LAUREL ***

"To whom the heaves in thy nativity adjudged an Olive branch and Laurel crowns." 3, Hen VI, iv, 6, 34.
"Crown sceptres. Laurels, but by degree, stand in authentic place." T & C. i, 3, 107.
"Cometh Andronicus, bound with Laurel boughs." T. Andron. i, 11, 74.
"Upon your sword sit Laurel, victory." Ant & Cleo 1, 3, 100.

*** LEMON ***

"A gilt nutmeg - a Lemon stuck with cloves." L.L.Lost. v, 2, 653.
"Look! Look! It stands upright, like lime twig, set to catch my winged soul." Hen VI. iii,3,16.

*** MEDLAR ***

"Now will he sit under a Medlar tree, and wish his mistress were that kind of fruits, as maids call Medlars." Rom & Jul ii, 1, 35.

*** MULBERRY ***

"Purple grapes, green Figs & Mulberies." M.N. Dream iii, 1, 170.
"This by tarrying in Mulberry shade, his dagger drew and died." M.N. Dream v, 1, 149.
"Humble as the ripest Mulberry, that will not hold the handling." Ceriol iii, 2, 79.

*** MYRTLE ***

"Thou rather with sharp and sulphorous bolt, spit at the unwedgeable & gnarled Oak than the soft Myrtle, meas for meas . " M.N. Dream ii, 2, 117.
"I was of late as petty to his ends, as is he morndew on the Myrtle leaf to his grandsea . " Ant & Cleo. iii , 12, 9 .

*** OAK ***

"I will rend an Oak and peg thee in his knotty entrails." Tempest, i, 2, 294.
"And rifted Joves stout Oak, with his own bolt." Tempest, v, 1, 45.
"At midnight, walk round about an oak." - p Mer . Wives, iv. 4, 31.
"There wany not many that do fear In deep of night to walk by this Hernes oak. " Mer. Wives, v, 4, 40.
"This is our device, that Falstaff at the oak shall meet us with." Mer. Wives, iv. 4, 40.
"To-night at Hernes Oak, just twix 12 and one." Mer. Wives, iv, 6, 59
"Be you in the park about Midnight at Hernes Oak." Mer. Wives, v, 11, 12.
"They are all couched in a pit hard by Hernes Oak. Mer. Wives, v, 3, 15.
"Our dance of custom round bout the oak of Herne, the hunter." Mer. Wives, v, 5, 79.
"Split'st the unwedgeable and gnarled Oak than the soft Myrtle." Meas. For Meas. ii, 2, 116.
"An Oak but with one green leaf n it would have answered her." M. Ado. ii, 1, 247.
"Those thoughts to me were Oaks to thee like Osiers baw'd." L.L.Lost. iv, 2, 112.
"At the Dwkes Oak we met." M.N.Dream, i, 2, 113.
"Under an Oak whose antique root peeps out upon the brook." A.Y.L.It, ii, 1, 31.
"His opinion, which is rotten, as ever Oak or stone was sound." W.Tale. ii, 2, 90.
"And many strokes, though with a little axe,. Hue down and fell the hardest timbered Oak." 3. Hen. VI. II, 1. 55.
"The splitting wind makes flexible the knees of knotted Oaks." T & C. i. 3, 50.
"To a cruel war, I sent, him from whence he returned, his brows bound with Oak." Coriolanus. i, 3, 16
"Peace puts forth her Olive every where." 2, Hen. IV. iv, 4, 87.
"The heaves in thy nativity adjudged an Olive branch and Laurel crown." 3, Hen VI. iv, 6, 34.
"I will use the Olive with my sword, make war, breed peace." T. Of Athens, v, 4, 82.
"The 3 nokk'd world shall bear the Olive freely." Ant. & Cleo. iv, 6, 7.

*** PALM ***

"Look here what I found on a Palm tree." A.Y.L.It, iii, 2, 186.

*** PEACHES ***

"For some four suits of Peach coloured satin, which now peaches him a beggar." Meas. For Meas. iv, 3, 12.
"If I be ta'en, I'll peach for this." 1, Hen. IV. ii, 2, 47.

*** PEAR ***

"Till I were as crest-fallen as a dried pear." Mer. Wives, iv, 5, 103.
"Like on of our French withered Pears, it looks ill, it eats drilly." Alls Well. i. I, 175.
"0! That she were an open et caetera, thou a poperin Pear.!" Rom. & Jul. ii, 1, 38.

*** PLUM ***

"It grandam, will give it a plum, cherry & fig." K. John, ii, 1, 622.
"Thou lovedst Plums well, that wouldst venture so" 2f Hen. VI. ii. 1, 101.
"A fall off a tree- a plum tree, master." 2, Hen. VI. ii, 1, 97.


"You were beaten in Italy for picking a kernel out of a Pomegranate." Alls Well, ii, 3, 276.
"Nightly she sings on you Pomegranate tree, believe me, love, it was the nightingale." Rom. & Jul iii, 5, 4.

*** QUINCES ***

"They call fore dates & quinces in the pastry." Rom. & Jul. iv, 4, 2.

*** SYCAMORE ***

"The poor soul sat singing by a Sycamore tree."

*** WALNUT ***

"As jealous as ford that searched a hollow walnut for hs wives lemon." Mer Wives, iv, 2. 171. garland." Coriolanus. ii, 1, 138.

*** WILLOW ***

"Will you go with me, withr - even to the next Willow." Much Ado. ii, 1, 194.
"I offered him my company to a Willow tree, either to make him a garland, or bind him on." Much Ado. ii, 1, 196.
"In such a night stood Dido with a willow in her hand." Mer. Of Ven. v, 1, 10.
"Why what would you? - Make me a Willow cabin at your gate. T. Night, i, 5, 287.
"There is a willow, grows aslant a brook." Hamlet, iv, 7, 167.
"She had a song of Willow. An old thing, but it expressed her fortune, and she died singing it." Othello, iv, 3, 28.
J"Her hand on her bosom, her head on her knee, sing willow, willow, willow." Othello, iv, 3, 44.
"Her salt tears fell from her, and softened the stones-lay by these- sing willw, willow, willow" Othello, iv, 3, 49.
"I will play the swan, and die in music, willow, willow, willow." Much Ado. ii, 1, 225.
"I'll wear the Willow garland for his sake." 3, Hen. VI. iii, 3, 228.