It's The Noob Nile Crocodile!
New Noobie God #2 The OverWater Speed Dinghy Dwelling Reptiloid Keeper Of The Fresh Wishy Washy Waters A Waring 10 billion year young Bringer Of War and Eater of The Dead. This fine fettled boot wearing roarer patrols the Noob Nile at speeds so fast, Eistein's equasions are put to game. Place a hoof wrong in the land of the golden sand, and your luck will run out quicker than grease from a monkeys nipple, for the Noob Nile Crocodile's 9 senses detects even the stray evil thoughts in the smallest hairs of your sparsely pubescent body. While not ripping the heart from corruption in his hired water waker, this Demi-God enjoys light smoke snacks and popular entertainment, such as cosmic shifts, rift riding, time displacment theory, molecular fluxing and scrabble. Worshipped by purchasing tobacco pipe accessories and zebra-out-of-reach-extending-grabbers for him each Noobmass. 'Noob Nile Crocodile' / 'The OverWater Speed Dinghy Dwelling Reptiloid Keeper Of The Fresh Wishy Washy Waters' original Photoshop creation, imagery by Spooksprings J.M.B. For Planet Noobsquad © 2003,22. Some images adapted from open source. Background 'Duck Fight Ripple' By Spooksprings JMB 2004. |