The New Noob Gallery, Update August 2006.
Keep sending me your Noobie Art to feature here, and win a prize of 5000 gold pieces in pretend money!
Actually, no, I've NEVER received an email attatchment, so consider it money owed for the artwork I have borrowed from you.

meetyourmeat_small.jpg splashesanddashes_small.jpg herdingneverworks_small.jpg confusedcat_small.jpg
iatethat_small.jpg arainofreign_small.jpg steambicycleblondeboy_small.jpg swampmetal_small.jpg
melonman_small.jpg camelrain_small.jpg jellyhead_small.jpg mistymystery_small.jpg
pkprotection_small.jpg southernroadsweepersgoelectric_small.jpg whoneedschoppersbringonthetweenies_small.jpg astrawtoolong_small.jpg
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